There are some excellent general reference works in toxicology, including Casarett and Doull's Toxicology, 6th edition, edited by Curt Klaassen, and the 13 - volume Comprehensive Toxicology, the second edition currently being edited by Charlene McQueen, as well as many specialized monographs on particular topics. However, the scarcity of textbooks designed for teacher and student to use in the classroom setting that impelled us to produce editions 1 through 3 of this work is still apparent and the choice continues to be limited. The authors are, or have been, involved in teaching general toxicology at North Carolina State University and thus have insights into the actual teaching process and in the broader scope of toxicology as well as the subject matter of their areas of specialization.
Rapid advances are occurring in toxicology, particularly in the molecular and integrative aspects, and we hope these are refl ected in this textbook. As an aid to students and teaching faculty, we have added sample questions to each chapter. Answering these questions not only indicates that the material presented has been understood but is, in itself, a learning experience.
At North Carolina State University, we continue to teach a course in general toxicology (TOX801) that is open to graduate students and undergraduate upperclassmen. Our experience leads us to believe that this textbook is suitable, in the junior or senior year, for undergraduate students with some background in chemistry, biochemistry, and animal physiology. For graduate students, it is intended to lay the foundation for subsequent specialized courses in toxicology, such as those in biochemical and molecular toxicology, environmental toxicology, chemical carcinogenesis, risk assessment, and so forth.
We share the view that an introductory text must present all of the necessary fundamental information to fulfill this purpose, but in as uncomplicated a manner as possible. To enhance readability, references have been omitted from the text, although Suggested Reading or Bibliography is recommended at the end of each chapter.
As with previous editions, the amount of material and the detail with which some of it is presented, is more than is needed for the average general toxicology course. This, however, will permit each instructor to select and emphasize those areas they feel need particular emphasis. The obvious biochemical and molecular bias of some chapters is not accidental; rather, it is based on the philosophy that progress in toxicology continues to depend on further understanding of the fundamental basis of toxic action at the cellular and molecular levels. The depth of coverage of each topic represents that chapter author's judgment of the amount of material appropriate to the beginning level as compared to that appropriate to a more advanced course or text such as Smart and Hodgson, Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology, 4th edition (John Wiley and Sons, 2008).
- The Authors -
Key Features
- Adds chapters on new approaches to toxicology: molecular methods (-omics: toxicogenomics, proteomics, and metabolomics), bioinformatics, and systems biology.
- Now featured in the Fourth Edition are end-of-chapter questions.
- Provides a very thorough, concise and up-to-date summary of the most important topics within the toxicology field.
- Presents the interdisciplinary nature of toxicological studies.
- Continues from prior editions with coverage of basic concepts in toxicology and adds chapters on molecular methods (-omics: toxicogenomics, proteomics, and metabolomics), bioinformatics, and systems biology.
- Includes end-of-chapter questions.
- Online Solutions Manual available for academic adopters.
- Does not require an extensive background in anatomy and physiology.
PART I Introduction.
1 Introduction to Toxicology (Ernest Hodgson).
- 1.1 Definition and Scope.
- 1.2 Relationship to Other Sciences.
- 1.3 A Brief History of Toxicology.
- 1.4 Dose-Response Relationships.
- 1.5 Sources of Toxic Compounds.
- 1.6 Movement of Toxicants in the Environment.
2 Introduction to Biochemical and Molecular Methods in Toxicology (Ernest Hodgson, Gerald A. LeBlanc, Sharon A. Meyer and Robert C. Smart).
- 2.1 Introduction.
- 2.2 Cell Culture Techniques.
- 2.3 Molecular Techniques.
- 2.4 Immunochemical Techniques.
- 2.5 Proteomics.
- 2.6 Metabolomics.
- 2.7 Bioinformatics.
- 2.8 Summary and Conclusions.
PART II Classes of Toxicants.
3 Exposure Classes, Toxicants in Air, Water, Soil, Domestic and Occupational Settings (W. Gregory Cope).
- 3.1 Air Pollutants.
- 3.2 Water and Soil Pollutants.
- 3.3 Occupational Toxicants.
4 Classes of Toxicants: Use Classes (W. Gregory Cope and Ernest Hodgson).
- 4.1 Introduction.
- 4.2 Metals.
- 4.3 Agricultural Chemicals (Pesticides).
- 4.4 Food Additives and Contaminants.
- 4.5 Toxins.
- 4.6 Solvents.
- 4.7 Therapeutic Drugs.
- 4.8 Drugs of Abuse.
- 4.9 Combustion Products.
- 4.10 Cosmetics.
PART III Toxicant Processing In Vivo.
5 Absorption and Distribution of Toxicants (Ronald E. Baynes and Ernest Hodgson).
- 5.1 Introduction.
- 5.2 Cell Membranes.
- 5.3 Mechanisms of Transport.
- 5.4 Physicochemical Properties Relevant to Diffusion.
- 5.5 Routes of Absorption.
- 5.6 Toxicant Distribution.
- 5.7 Toxicokinetics.
6 Metabolism of Toxicants (Ernest Hodgson and Randy L. Rose).
- 6.1 Introduction.
- 6.2 Phase I Reactions.
- 6.3 Phase II Reactions.
7 Reactive Metabolites (Ernest Hodgson and Randy L. Rose).
- 7.1 Introduction.
- 7.2 Activation Enzymes.
- 7.3 Nature and Stability of Reactive Metabolites.
- 7.4 Fate of Reactive Metabolites.
- 7.5 Factors Affecting Toxicity of Reactive Metabolites.
- 7.6 Reactive Oxygen Species.
- 7.7 Examples of Activating Reactions.
- 7.8 Summary and Conclusions.
8 Chemical and Physiological Influences on Xenobiotic Metabolism (Andrew D. Wallace and Ernest Hodgson).
- 8.1 Introduction.
- 8.2 Nutritional Effects.
- 8.3 Physiological Effects.
- 8.4 Comparative and Genetic Effects.
- 8.5 Chemical Effects.
- 8.6 Environmental Effects.
- 8.7 Summary and Conclusions.
9 Elimination of Toxicants (Gerald A. LeBlanc).
- 9.1 Introduction.
- 9.2 Transport.
- 9.3 Renal Elimination.
- 9.4 Hepatic Elimination.
- 9.5 Respiratory Elimination.
- 9.6 Conclusion.
PART IV Toxic Action.
10 Acute Toxicity (Gerald A. LeBlanc).
- 10.1 Introduction.
- 10.2 Acute Exposure and Effect.
- 10.3 Dose-Response Relationships.
- 10.4 Non-Conventional Dose–Response Relationships.
- 10.5 Alternative Methods.
- 10.6 Mechanisms of Acute Toxicity.
11 Chemical Carcinogenesis (Robert C. Smart).
- 11.1 DNA Damage and Mutagenesis.
- 11.2 General Aspects of Cancer.
- 11.3 Human Cancer.
- 11.4 Classes of Agents That Are Associated with Carcinogenesis.
- 11.5 General Aspects of Chemical Carcinogenesis.
- 11.6 Oncogenes.
- 11.7 Tumor Suppressor Genes.
12 Teratogenesis (Jill A. Barnes and Ida M. Washington).
- 12.1 Introduction.
- 12.2 Overview of Embryonic Development.
- 12.3 Principles of Teratogenesis.
- 12.4 Mechanisms of Teratogenesis.
- 12.5 Future Considerations.
PART V Organ Toxicity.
13 Hepatotoxicity (Andrew D. Wallace and Sharon A. Meyer).
- 13.1 Introduction.
- 13.2 Susceptibility of the Liver.
- 13.3 Types of Liver Injury.
- 13.4 Mechanisms of Hepatotoxicity.
- 13.5 Examples of Hepatotoxicants.
- 13.6 Metabolic Activation of Hepatotoxicants.
14 Nephrotoxicity (Joan B. Tarloff and Andrew D. Wallace).
- 14.1 Introduction.
- 14.2 Factors Contributing to Nephrotoxicity.
- 14.3 Examples of Nephrotoxicants.
- 14.4 Summary.
15 Toxicology of the Nervous System (Bonita L. Blake).
- 15.1 Introduction.
- 15.2 The Nervous System.
- 15.3 Toxicant Effects on the Nervous System.
- 15.4 Neurotoxicity Testing.
- 15.5 Summary.
16 Reproductive System (Heather Patisaul).
- 16.1 Introduction.
- 16.2 The-Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis.
- 16.3 Male Reproductive Physiology.
- 16.4 Disruption of Male Reproduction by Toxicants.
- 16.5 Female Reproductive Physiology.
- 16.6 Disruption of Female Reproduction by Toxicants.
- 16.7 Summary.
17 Endocrine Toxicology (Gerald A. LeBlanc).
- 17.1 Introduction.
- 17.2 Endocrine System.
- 17.3 Endocrine Disruption.
- 17.4 Incidents of Endocrine Toxicity.
- 17.5 Conclusion.
18 Respiratory Toxicity (James C. Bonner).
- 18.1 Introduction.
- 18.2 Anatomy and Function of the Respiratory Tract.
- 18.3 Toxicant-Induced Lung Injury, Remodeling and Repair.
- 18.4 Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases.
19 Immune System (MaryJane K. Selgrade).
- 19.1 Introduction.
- 19.2 The Immune System.
- 19.3 Immune Suppression.
- 19.4 Classification of Immune-Mediated Injury (Hypersensitivity).
- 19.5 Effects of Chemicals on Allergic Disease.
- 19.6 Other Issues: Autoimmunity, and the Developing Immune System.
PART VI Applied Toxicology.
20 Toxicity Testing (Ernest Hodgson and Helen Cunny).
- 20.1 Introduction.
- 20.2 Experimental Administration of Toxicants.
- 20.3 Chemical and Physical Properties.
- 20.4 Exposure and Environmental Fate.
- 20.5 In Vivo Tests.
- 20.6 In Vitro and Other Short-Term Tests.
- 20.7 Ecological Effects.
- 20.8 Risk Analysis.
- 20.9 The Future of Toxicity Testing.
21 Forensic and Clinical Toxicology (Sharon A. Meyer and Bonita L. Blake).
- 21.1 Introduction.
- 21.2 Forensic Toxicology.
- 21.3 Clinical Toxicology.
- 21.4 Analytical Methods in Forensic and Clinical Toxicology.
22 Prevention of Toxicity (Ernest Hodgson).
- 22.1 Introduction.
- 22.2 Legislation and Regulation.
- 22.3 Prevention in Different Environments.
- 22.4 Education.
23 Human Health Risk Assessment (Ronald E. Baynes).
- 23.1 Introduction.
- 23.2 Risk Assessment Methods.
- 23.3 Noncancer Risk Assessment.
- 23.4 Cancer Risk Assessment.
- 23.5 PBPK Modeling.
Part VII Environmental Toxicology.
24 Toxicant Analysis (Chris Hofelt).
- 24.1 Introduction.
- 24.2 Environmental Sample Collection Methods.
- 24.3 Analytical Techniques.
- 24.4 Quantification, QA and QC.
- 24.5 Summary.
25 Basics of Environmental Toxicology (Gerald A. LeBlanc and David B. Buchwalter).
- 25.1 Introduction.
- 25.2 Environmental Persistence.
- 25.3 Bioaccumulation.
- 25.4 Toxicity.
- 25.5 Conclusion.
26 Transport and Fate of Toxicants in the Environment (Damian Shea).
- 26.1 Introduction.
- 26.2 Sources of Toxicants to the Environment.
- 26.3 Transport Processes.
- 26.4 Equilibrium Partitioning.
- 26.5 Transformation Processes.
- 26.6 Environmental Fate Models.
27 Environmental Risk Assessment (Damian Shea).
- 27.1 Introduction.
- 27.2 Formulating the Problem.
- 27.3 Analyzing Exposure and Effects Information.
- 27.4 Characterizing Risk.
- 27.5 Managing Risk.
Part VIII New Approaches in Toxicology.
28 Perspectives on Informatics in Toxicology (Seth W. Kullman, Carolyn J. Mattingly, Joel N. Meyer and Andrew Whitehead).
- 28.1 Introduction.
- 28.2 Transcriptomics.
- 28.3 Annotation Resources.
- 28.4 Genome Sequencing, Resequencing and Genotyping.
- 28.5 Epigenomic Profiling.
- 28.6 Computational Toxicology.
- 28.7 Informatics Tools in Toxicology.
29 Future Considerations (Ernest Hodgson).
- 29.1 Introduction.
- 29.2 Risk Assessment.
- 29.3 Risk Management.
- 29.4 Risk Communication.
- 29.5 In Vivo Toxicity.
- 29.6 In Vitro Toxicity.
- 29.7 Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology.
- 29.8 Development of Selective Toxicants.
- 29.9 Summary and Conclusions.
About the Author
- ERNEST HODGSON, PhD, is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Toxicology at North Carolina State University. In addition to the previous editions of A Textbook of Modern Toxicology, he coedited Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition (Wiley) and its prior editions. Dr. Hodgson is the Editor of the Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology.
Product Details
- Hardcover: 672 pages
- Publisher: Wiley; 4 edition (June 21, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 047046206X
- ISBN-13: 978-0470462065
- Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 7.1 x 1.4 inches
List Price: $115.00