Weissman: Imaging of Arthritis and Metabolic Bone Disease (Expert Consult Series)

The conditions described in this textbook range from the most common disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system, such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, to some of the most rare. Imaging has become an integral part of the evaluation of patients with arthritis and metabolic diseases, and it often provides the standard method for diagnosing, classifying, and following these conditions. Examples include the use of the radiographic Kellgren-Lawrence grading system for osteoarthritis and DXA scanning for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Advanced imaging techniques have been developed that can provide information in addition to that available from the radiograph. Thus, for example, while radiographs provide an indirect measure of cartilage damage by assessing the width of the joint space, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides direct anatomical information regarding cartilage thickness and structure and delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) adds information regarding its glycosaminoglycan content.

In the face of current imaging options, the question of test ordering becomes not could we order this test, but should we? What can be gleaned from the radiograph alone? What options are available? Which is the best examination, and how is it optimally performed? What information should we expect from advanced imaging studies in the various arthritic and metabolic conditions? This book is written specifically to help both the radiologist and the nonradiologist answer these questions.

Introductory chapters review the principles of pertinent imaging techniques and are primarily designed for nonradiologists. They provide a background for understanding these techniques, their uses, and their limitations. Vocabulary specific to these studies is provided in order to aid understanding of the tests themselves and to facilitate communication of results and image review with radiologists and other practitioners.

Chapters devoted to the various disorders are structured in a uniform format. Discussion of the disease process is followed by its general musculoskeletal manifestations, specific features in various locations, and then by extraskeletal manifestations. While musculoskeletal involvement by these disorders is emphasized, other important manifestations of these conditions are included at the discretion of the authors and editor. It is hoped that this more comprehensive approach provides a clinically useful picture of these conditions. When possible, algorithms or specific discussions are provided at the end of each chapter to clarify the indications for the various imaging studies.

It is acknowledged that the topics included in these chapters were selected to be the most useful clinically and that topics may be included that are not specifically either arthritis or metabolic bone disease (such as stress fractures) and that some conditions may have been omitted. It is hoped that the basic principles presented here will allow any such omissions to be of minimal consequence and that readers will provide feedback to allow ongoing improvement of this product.

Multiauthored textbooks have the advantage of permitting experts in the various areas to participate but engender logistical and editorial challenges. Success of the final product depends on the work of a large number of professionals who deserve credit and accolades. Mrs. Nena Andrade-Karama provided expert support in data gathering, manuscript preparation, tracking, and communication. Mrs. Reiko O'Brien prepared images for many of the chapters to provide optimal clarity. Mr. Calvin Brown provided support for image retrieval. I am deeply grateful for the guidance, support, and expertise of those at Elsevier who have made this book possible, most especially Mrs. Karen Carter, whose encouragement, patience, flexibility, and expertise were invaluable. Kim Murphy, Amy Cannon, and Janine Kusza of Elsevier and Megan Greiner of Graphic World Inc. were all instrumental in guiding this book from concept to completion. Special heartfelt thanks go to the authors who agreed to participate so fully to realize these goals.

Section I - General Imaging Principles
  • 1 - Clinical Applications of Multidetector Computed Tomography in Musculoskeletal Imaging
  • 2 - Scintigraphy of the Musculoskeletal System
  • 3 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • 4 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Articular Cartilage
  • 5 - Arthrography and Injection Procedures
  • 6 - Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry
  • 7 - Ultrasound

Section II - Imaging of Degenerative and Traumatic Conditions
  • 8 - Osteoarthritis
  • 9 - Degenerative Disorders of the Spine
  • 10 - Imaging of Diabetes Mellitus and Neuropathic Arthropathy: The Diabetic Foot
  • 11 - Stress Injuries to Bone
  • 12 - Traumatic Muscle Injuries
  • 13 - Imaging of Tendons and Bursae
  • 14 - Entrapment Syndromes
  • 15 - Imaging Findings of Drug-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • 16 - Infarction and Osteonecrosis
  • 17 - Imaging Arthropathies Associated with Malignant Disorders
  • 18 - Juxtaarticular Cysts and Fluid Collections: Imaging and Intervention
  • 19 - Imaging of Infection
  • 20 - Imaging of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • 21 - Scleroderma and Related Disorders
  • 22 - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Related Conditions and Vasculitic Syndromes
  • 23 - Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies and SAPHO Syndrome
  • 24 - Imaging Investigation of Arthritis in Children
  • 25 - Pediatric Developmental and Chronic Traumatic Conditions, the Osteochondroses, and Childhood Osteoporosis
  • 26 - Crystal Diseases
  • 27 - Gaucher's Disease
  • 28 - Hemochromatosis, Wilson's Disease, Ochronosis, Fabry Disease, and Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis
  • 29 - Paget's Disease, Fibrous Dysplasia, Sarcoidosis, and Amyloidosis of Bone
  • 30 - Imaging of Total Joint Replacement

Section III - Imaging of Metabolic Conditions
  • 31 - Imaging Evaluation of Osteoporosis
  • 32 - Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Migratory Osteoporosis, and Osteogenesis Imperfecta
  • 33 - Imaging Hyperparathyroidism and Renal Osteodystrophy
  • 34 - Hypoparathyroidism and PTH Resistance
  • 35 - Rickets and Osteomalacia
  • 36 - Oncogenic Osteomalacia
  • 37 - Hypophosphatasia
  • 38 - Fanconi Syndrome and Renal Tubular Acidosis
  • 39 - Soft Tissue Calcification and Ossification

Section IV - Interventions
  • 40 - Percutaneous Spine Interventions: Discography, Injection Procedures (Epidural Corticosteroids and Facet Joint and Sacroiliac Joint Injections), and Vertebral Augmentation (Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty)
  • 41 - Bone Disease Following Organ Transplantation

Get state-of-the-art coverage of the full range of imaging techniques available to assist in the diagnosis and therapeutic management of rheumatic diseases. Written by acknowledged experts in musculoskeletal imaging, this richly illustrated, full-color text presents the latest diagnostic and disease monitoring modalities - MRI, CT, ultrasonography, nuclear medicine, DXA - as well as interventional procedures. You'll find comprehensive coverage of specific rheumatic conditions, including osteoarticular and extraarticular findings. This superb new publication puts you at the forefront of imaging in arthritis and metabolic bone disease - a must have reference for the clinician and imaging specialist.

Key Features
  • Creates a virtual one-stop shop with an exhaustive list of known and defined pain syndromes classified by body region.
  • Includes all imaging modalities relevant to rheumatic disease, and applications and contraindications of each, for balanced coverage.
  • Incorporates a user-friendly, consistent full-color format for quick and easy reference.
  • Provides osteoarticular and extra-articular features and findings to show how imaging benefits diagnosis and management of complex rheumatologic conditions.
  • Creates a one-stop shop with comprehensive coverage of imaging for all rheumatic conditions, including metabolic conditions and pediatric disorders.
  • Presents interventional techniques (such as injections, arthrography, radiofrequency ablation) to create the perfect diagnostic and interventional clinical tool.

Website Features
  • Consult the book from any computer at home, in your office, or at any practice location.
  • Instantly locate the answers to your clinical questions via a simple search query.
  • Quickly find out more about any bibliographical citation by linking to its MEDLINE abstract.

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 772 pages
  • Publisher: Mosby; 1 Har/Psc edition (May 6, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0323041779
  • ISBN-13: 978-0323041775 

List Price: $195.00

Medical Lecture Note Copyright © 2011