Cassidy: Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology 6th edition (Expert Consult Series)

The first edition of the Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology was completed in 1982. Progress in understanding the rheumatic diseases during the intervening decades occupies an important part of this sixth edition, to be published concurrent with the 2010 annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology. These years have encompassed an enormous increase in our understanding of the pathophysiologic mechanisms operative in the pediatric rheumatic diseases. The recent developments in investigations specific to the younger age groups have afforded opportunities for better diagnosis and treatment. Yet much remains to be accomplished.

The journey from aspirin and gold compounds to targeted biologics, and silver emulsion to digitalized tomography, has been one that the editors have lived through and endured. Antinuclear antibodies and rheumatoid factors to genomic studies of polygenic mechanisms of inflammation have all been part of this landscape. Recent acceleration of developments in scientific studies specific to the younger age group have afforded opportunities for more timely diagnosis and treatment of children with rheumatic disorders. Diagnosis remains, however, primarily the province of observation and examination by an expert clinician.

This edition was reorganized in order to provide comprehensive information regarding the rheumatic diseases of childhood for specialists concerned with their care and for those in primary fields of medicine. Significant advances in practice and knowledge have been incorporated including exhaustive reviews of the major clinical syndromes, now numbering more than 100, and efforts toward validation of their classifications.

The present edition continues the tradition of reassessment of authorship with the enlistment of 29 new contributors, and represents a complete revision of the original text with the addition of 11 new chapters. Chapter divisions, tables and charts are now in color in order to facilitate understanding, and many photographs are in color in their place in the text.

We trust this edition will reflect the clinical science of pediatric rheumatology, its codification as a distinct specialty, and the gratifying maturity that it has achieved. It is our belief that the advances in this field described herein are increasingly recognized as an integral and essential element of the clinical, investigative, and educational programs of academic institutions of medical training and research. The specialty is essential to the complete education of a pediatrician. Many new members are entering this specialty although serious geographic and institutional deficits in coverage still exist. Much of what is known is central to the developed nations, and insufficient effort so far has been expended on understanding these disorders in other areas of the world.

References have been extensively updated, retaining those regarded as “classics” or having historic importance. In fact, publications in this field are now so extensive that one can only suggest the depth of the investigations. To give due credit to all would require substantial additional text; therefore references in excess of 60 per chapter, not essential to understanding, have been placed on the Elsevier web page at

In addition to our colleagues, we are deeply indebted to our families and spousal support throughout this process of revision spanning more than three years. We trust that this sixth edition of the Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology will aid physicians caring for these children to interpret the complex web of symptoms, signs, and laboratory abnormalities that are characteristic of these disorders, and their often inherent ambiguity; will inspire students of medicine to recognize the challenges and excitement of this pediatric discipline; and ultimately will ensure the provision of prompt and optimal care to the hundreds of thousands of children and their families around the world who endure the pain and limitations imposed by these disorders. It is not too much to expect that their adaptations to a normal life, and happiness, will be much enlarged in the ensuing years for them and their families.
James T. Cassidy, Ross E. Petty, Ronald M. Laxer, Carol B. Lindsley

Key Features
  • Diagnose and treat effectively through exhaustive reviews of the complex symptoms and signs and lab abnormalities that characterize these clinical disorders.
  • Choose treatment protocols based on the best scientific evidence available today.
  • Apply the knowledge and experience of the leading experts in the field.

Website Features
  • Consult the book from any computer at home, in your office, or at any practice location.
  • Instantly locate the answers to your clinical questions via a simple search query.
  • Quickly find out more about any bibliographical citation by linking to its MEDLINE abstract.

Section 1 - Basic Concepts
  • Chapter 1 - Introduction to the Study of Rheumatic Diseases In Children
  • Chapter 2 - Structure and Function
  • Chapter 3 - Immunology and Rheumatic Diseases
  • Chapter 4 - Inflammation
  • Chapter 5 - Integrative Genomics
  • Chapter 6 - Pharmacology and Drug Therapy
  • Chapter 7 - Trial Design, Measurement, and Analysis of Clinical Investigations
  • Chapter 8 - Assessment of Health Status, Function, and Quality of Life Outcomes
  • Chapter 9 - Managing Children with Rheumatic Diseases
  • Chapter 10 - Radiologic Investigation of Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases
  • Chapter 11 - Pain
  • Chapter 12 - Occupational and Physical Therapy for Childhood Rheumatic Diseases

Section 2 - Chronic Arthritis
  • Chapter 13 - Chronic Arthritis in Childhood
  • Chapter 14 - Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
  • Chapter 15 - Polyarthritis
  • Chapter 16 - Oligoarthritis
  • Chapter 17 - Enthesitis-Related Arthritis (Juvenile Ankylosing Spondylitis)
  • Chapter 18 - Juvenile Psoriatic Arthritis
  • Chapter 19 - Arthropathies of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Chapter 20 - Uveitis in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Section 3 - Systemic Connective Tissue Diseases
  • Chapter 21 - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Chapter 22 - Antiphospholipid Syndrome
  • Chapter 23 - Neonatal Lupus Erythematosus
  • Chapter 24 - Juvenile Dermatomyositis
  • Chapter 25 - The Systemic Sclerodermas and Related Disorders
  • Chapter 26 - Localized Sclerodermas
  • Chapter 27 - Mixed Connective Tissue Disease and Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease
  • Chapter 28 - Sjogren Syndrome
  • Chapter 29 - Raynaud Phenomenon and Vasomotor Syndromes

Section 4 - Systemic Vasculitis
  • Chapter 30 - Vasculitis and its Classification
  • Chapter 31 - Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis
  • Chapter 32 - Polyarteritis Nodosa and Cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa
  • Chapter 33 - Kawasaki Disease
  • Chapter 34 - Granulomatous Vasculitis, Microscopic Polyangiitis, and Primary Angiitis of the Central Nervous System
  • Chapter 35 - Pediatric Sarcoidosis
  • Chapter 36 - Behcet Disease

Section 5 - Arthritis Related to Infection
  • Chapter 37 - Infectious Arthritis and Osteomyelitis
  • Chapter 38 - Lyme Disease
  • Chapter 39 - Reactive Arthritis
  • Chapter 40 - Acute Rheumatic Fever and Poststreptococcal Reactive Arthritis

Section 6 - Systemic Disorders with Rheumatic Manifestations
  • Chapter 41 - Musculoskeletal Manifestations of Systemic Disease
  • Chapter 42 - Immunodeficiencies and the Rheumatic Diseases
  • Chapter 43 - Periodic Fever Syndromes and Other Inherited Autoinflammatory Diseases
  • Chapter 44 - Autoinflammatory Bone Disorders
  • Chapter 45 - Macrophage Activation Syndrome
  • Chapter 46 - Skeletal Malignancies and Related Disorders

Section 7 - NonInflammatory causes of Musculoskeletal Pain
  • Chapter 47 - Noninflammatory Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions
  • Chapter 48 - Pain Amplification Syndromes
  • Chapter 49 - Skeletal Maturation and Bone Mineralization in the Pediatric Rheumatic Diseases
  • Chapter 50 - Primary Disorders of Bone and Connective Tissues

About the Authors
  • James T. Cassidy, MD, FAAP, MACR, Professor Emeritus of Child Health and Internal Medicine, University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, Missouri; Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics and Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • Ronald M. Laxer, MDCM, FRCPC, Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine, University of Toronto; Staff Rheumatologist, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Ross E. Petty CM, MD, PhD, FAAP, FRCPC, Professor, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, British Columbia Children's Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
  • Carol B. Lindsley, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Chief, Pediatric Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas.

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 800 pages
  • Publisher: Saunders; 6 edition (October 15, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1416065814
  • ISBN-13: 978-1416065814
  • Product Dimensions: 11.1 x 8.7 x 1.3 inches
List Price: $218.00

Medical Lecture Note Copyright © 2011