Jawetz, Melnick, Adelberg's Medical Microbiology 25th Edition (LANGE)

The goals for the twenty-fourth edition of Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology have remained the same as those of the first edition published in September, 1954: “...to provide a brief, accurate, and up-to-date presentation of those aspects of medical microbiology that are of particular significance in the fields of clinical infections and chemotherapy.” The current edition reflects the remarkable advances that have been made since that time in our knowledge of microbes and the molecular mechanisms of microbial disease as well as in the development of modern laboratory and diagnostic technologies. The DNA sequences of many pathogenic microorganisms of humans are known. In this edition, and in future editions, there will be meaningful changes based on the understanding developed from the study of the sequences and the molecular mechanisms of disease. The twenty-fourth edition includes several completely revised chapters and an extensive upgrade to the current status of knowledge.

Karen C. Carroll, MD, Professor of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, has been added as an author of chapters previously authored by Dr. Brooks. Her background is internal medicine and infectious diseases as well as clinical microbiology. We think that her expertise will add significantly to the current and future editions and we welcome her participation.

Key Features 
  • NEW full-color presentation.
  • 500+ USMLE-style review questions.
  • 300+ informative tables and illustrations, each designed to clarify and reinforce important chapter concepts.
  • Coverage that reflects the latest techniques in laboratory and diagnostic technologies.

I. Fundamentals of Microbiology :

Chapter 1. The Science of Microbiology
Chapter 2. Cell Structure
Chapter 3. Classification of Bacteria
Chapter 4. The Growth, Survival, & Death of Microorganisms
Chapter 5. Cultivation of Microorganisms
Chapter 6. Microbial Metabolism
Chapter 7. Microbial Genetics

II. Immunology :
Chapter 8. Immunology

III. Bacteriology :
Chapter 9. Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infection
Chapter 10. Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Chapter 11. Normal Microbial Flora of the Human Body
Chapter 12. Spore-Forming Gram-Positive Bacilli: Bacillus & Clostridium Species
Chapter 13. Non-Spore-Forming Gram-Positive Bacilli: Corynebacterium, Propionibacterium, Listeria, Erysipelothrix, Actinomycetes, & Related Pathogens
Chapter 14. The Staphylococci
Chapter 15. The Streptococci
Chapter 16. Enteric Gram-Negative Rods (Enterobacteriaceae
Chapter 17. Pseudomonads, Acinetobacters, & Uncommon Gram-Negative Bacteria
Chapter 18. Vibrios, Campylobacters, Helicobacter, & Associated Bacteria
Chapter 19. Haemophilus, Bordetella, Brucella, & Francisella
Chapter 20. Yersinia & Pasteurella
Chapter 21. The Neisseriae
Chapter 22. Infections Caused by Anaerobic Bacteria
Chapter 23. Legionellae, Bartonella, & Unusual Bacterial Pathogens
Chapter 24. Mycobacteria
Chapter 25. Spirochetes & Other Spiral Microorganisms
Chapter 26. Mycoplasmas & Cell Wall-Defective Bacteria
Chapter 27. Rickettsia & Ehrlichia
Chapter 28. Chlamydiae

IV. Virology :
Chapter 29. General Properties of Viruses
Chapter 30. Pathogenesis & Control of Viral Diseases
Chapter 31. Parvoviruses
Chapter 32. Adenoviruses
Chapter 33. Herpesviruses
Chapter 34. Poxviruses
Chapter 35. Hepatitis Viruses
Chapter 36. Picornaviruses (Enterovirus & Rhinovirus Groups)
Chapter 37. Reoviruses, Rotaviruses, & Caliciviruses
Chapter 38. Arthropod-Borne & Rodent-Borne Viral Diseases
Chapter 39. Orthomyxoviruses (Influenza Viruses)
Chapter 40. Paramyxoviruses & Rubella Virus
Chapter 41. Coronaviruses
Chapter 42. Rabies, Slow Virus Infections, & Prion Diseases
Chapter 43. Human Cancer Viruses
Chapter 44. AIDS & Lentiviruses

V. Mycology :
Chapter 45. Medical Mycology

VI. Parasitology :
Chapter 46. Medical Parasitology

VII. Diagnostic Medical Microbiology & Clinical Correlation :
Chapter 47. Principles of Diagnostic Medical Microbiology
Chapter 48. Cases & Clinical Correlations

Product Details
  • Paperback: 832 pages
  • Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical; 25 edition (March 16, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0071624961
  • ISBN-13: 978-0071624961
  • Product Dimensions: 10.8 x 8.4 x 1.2 inches
List Price: $60.95

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