- coughing
- wheezing
- shortness of breath or rapid breathing
- chest tightness
Exacerbating factors
- viral infections
- exposure to allergens and irritants (smoke, strong odors, fumes)
- exercise
- emotions
- change in weather/humidity
Aggravating factors
- rhinosinusitis
- gastroesophageal reflux
- sensitivity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (especially aspirin)
Physical examination
During acute episodes
- tachypnea
- tachycardia
- cough
- wheezing
- a prolonged expiratory phase
As the attack progresses
- cyanosis
- diminished air movement
- retractions
- agitation
- inability to speak
- tripod sitting position
- diaphoresis
- pulsus paradoxus (decrease in blood pressure with inspiration of >15 mm Hg)
Other atopic diseases may observed
- eczema
- allergic rhinitis