If you live in a foreign land and have come to visit this book from "outside" epidemiology, be welcome. If you are an epidemiologist on the eve of a "trip" to a foreign discipline, please take this book with you. And, again, if you mostly work "inside" epidemiology, please keep it at hand: this is your territory - yet I hope you will here discover new landscapes of unsuspected beauty.
- Miquel Porta -
Key Features
- Alphabetical Listing, is a guide to the placement of entries and follows a letter-by-letter sequence of headwords without regard to word spacing, hyphens, or apostrophes.
- Headwords, are in bold small capitals.
- Compound Phrases.
- Citations, have been moved to the back of the book to avoid repetition.
- Acronyms.
- Cross-References.
- Definitions and Discussions.
- Evolving Language and Changing Usage.
About the Editors
- Miquel Porta, Professor of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, School of Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Senior Scientist, Institut Municipal d’Investigació Mèdica, Barcelona, Spain; Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
To write a dictionary in any scientific discipline is a risky endeavor, because scientists often disagree. The nature of science is not to reach consensus but to advance our knowledge by bringing confl icting ideas to critical examinations. That is true also for how we define the concepts we use. No dictionary will ever be able to satisfy all, nor should it try to.
The aim of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA) in cosponsoring this dictionary in its more than 20 years’ history has been to facilitate communication among epidemiologists to develop a "common language" to the extent that this is possible. We need a common language when we write papers, teach, and communicate findings to the public.
This "common language" changes over time, as anybody can see by reading the successive editions of this dictionary. The language changes because our understanding of the concepts changes over time and new research options bring forward new concepts.
From the IEA, we want to thank John Last for his tremendous achievements as editor of the dictionary, and we are happy to welcome Miquel Porta as the new editor. Miquel has provided the smooth transition we were looking for, and we are pleased to see that he continues the tradition of collaborating with leading epidemiologists worldwide to get the best possible result.
- Jørn Olsen, Neil Pearce, and Chitr Sitthi-Amorn -
Current, coming, and past presidents of International Epidemiological Association (www.ieaweb.org)
Product Details
- Paperback: 320 pages
- Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 5 edition (July 3, 2008)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0195314506
- ISBN-13: 978-0195314502
- Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 6.1 x 0.9 inches
List Price: $29.95