Darr: Ethics in Health Services Management 5th Edition

The ethical dimensions of managing health services are daunting. The newest edition of Ethics in Health Services Management provides the principles to educate students and guide practitioners as they strive to make the "right" decision when ethical problems arise. This highly regarded volume teaches managers how to recognize and respond confidently to the challenges of ethics and conduct in health services management.

Offering a solid foundation for effectively identifying and solving ethical problems, this book objectively examines the difficult choices and ethical implications raised as managers operationalize the principles of respect for persons, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. It examines the role of the organization's culture and its values, mission, and vision. Specific attention is given to the importance of the manager’s personal ethic, various types of specialized ethics committees, and the role of professional codes of ethics. Further, the author thoughtfully explores numerous topics that affect contemporary health services organizations.

  • Moral frameworks to apply to one's personal ethic.
  • The importance of virtue ethics.
  • Futility theory and futile treatment guidelines.
  • Organizational philosophies and mission statements.
  • Selecting new staff members using values compatibility.
  • Systems conflict and conflicts of interest.
  • Quality improvement as an ethical imperative.
  • Determinants of patient consent.
  • Issues surrounding physician-assisted suicide and patient autonomy.
  • Ethics in marketing and managed care.
  • Challenges of resource allocation.
  • and much more.

Filled with practical, problem-solving strategies and useful tools, this updated and expanded text features more cases than the previous edition, including seven all-new cases. Also new to this edition are expanded attention to public health and the coordination of community health services.

Ethics in Health Services Management will educate and inform those who would be leaders in health services organizations. Readers will come to understand their roles as moral agents, expected to balance the demands of the organization with the autonomy, primacy, and protection of patients. This is an indispensible text for health services management education and a primer for both clinical and nonclinical managers.

Section I: Identifying and Solving Ethical Problems
  • Considering Moral Philosophies and Principles
  • Resolving Ethical Issues

Section II: Guiding Ethical Decision Making
  • Organizational Values, Vision, and Mission
  • Codes of Ethics in Health Services
  • Organizational Responses to Ethical Issues

Section III: Administrative Ethical Issues
  • Conflicts of Interest and Fiduciary Duty
  • Ethical Issues Regarding Organization and Staff
  • Ethical Issues Regarding Patients and Community

Section IV: Biomedical Ethics Issues
  • Consent
  • Dying and Death
  • Patient Autonomy and the Paradigm of Physician-Assisted Suicide

Section V: Ethical Issues on the Horizon
  • Ethics in Marketing and Managed Care
  • Ethics in Resource Allocation
  • Social Responsibility

  • Appendix A: Organizational Philosophies and Mission Statements
  • Appendix B: Ethical Codes
Select Bibliography

About the Author
Kurt Darr, J.D., Sc.D., is Professor of Hospital Administration in the Department of Health Services Management and Leadership at The George Washington University. He holds a Doctor of Science from The Johns Hopkins University and a Master of Hospital Administration and a Juris Doctor from the University of Minnesota.
Professor Darr completed his administrative residency at Rochester (Minnesota) Methodist Hospital and subsequently worked as an administrative associate at the Mayo Clinic. After being commissioned in the U.S. Navy, he served in administrative and educational assignments at St. Albans Naval Hospital and Bethesda Naval Hospital. He completed postdoctoral fellowships with the Department of Health and Human Services, the World Health Organization, and the Accrediting Commission on Education for Health Services Administration.
Dr. Darr is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives and a member of the District of Columbia and Minnesota Bars. He is a mediator in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and serves on a panel of mediators for the American Health Lawyers Association.
Professor Darr educates in the areas of health services ethics, management theory, hospital organization and management, quality improvement, and application of the Deming method in health services delivery. In addition, he is a consultant and educator to hospital ethics committees. Professor Darr has authored and edited several books used in undergraduate and graduate health services management programs and numerous articles on various health services topics.

Product Details

  • Paperback: 416 pages
  • Publisher: Health Professions Pr; 5 edition (2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1932529683
  • ISBN-13: 978-1932529685
  • Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 5.9 x 1 inches
List Price: $54.95 

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