Murray and Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine 5th Edition 2 Volume Set (Expert Consult Series)

As it has been from the beginning, the goal of this textbook is to be a well balanced, authoritative, and fully documented book that integrates the basic scientific principles with the practice of respiratory medicine for clinicians, trainees, students and educators. To accomplish this in a rapidly changing field, we have undertaken significant changes for the fifth edition. Chapters have been created to cover new topics, other chapters have been split into two to cover topics more thoroughly, and still other chapters have been merged to improve presentation of similar material. Key points distilled from each subject are now highlighted at the end of each chapter. Color photographs and illustrations have been incorporated into the chapters wherever possible. The locations of numerous instructional videos, which can be accessed at the textbook's website, are indicated by icons in the printed textbook. An active and regularly updated internet site is an integral part of the textbook, expanding, revising and supporting information from the printed pages.

We are mindful that we are trying to meet the educational needs of an increasingly global and sophisticated readership. There are 26 newly written chapters. These include chapters on genetics, asthma, particle deposition and clearance, innate immunity, lung injury and repair, pulmonary pathology, bronchoscopy (diagnostic and therapeutic), ultrasonography, pulmonary function testing, clinical exercise testing, respiratory impairment and disability, ventilator-associated pneumonia, lymphoma, occupational asthma, bioterrorism, nontuberculous mycobacterial disease, pulmonary vasculitis, sleep disorders, neuromuscular disease, lung transplantation, metastatic lung disease and the biology of non-small cell lung cancer. As for each edition, new authors have been recruited to provide new perspectives and our continuing authors have thoroughly updated their chapters. We are indebted and deeply appreciative of the hard work and dedication of all our authors, nearly half of whom are new to the textbook. Our international contributors, who represent 15 countries, now make up 25% of authors of the fifth edition.

We believe that this textbook remains an important resource for pulmonary physicians. From the time of its first publication in 1988, it retains the spirit of a comprehensive, well-referenced text created by internationally recognized authorities. Each chapter is meant to provide both a comprehensive overview and the authors expert insights concerning the scientific-clinical foundations of the subject, on which the reader can integrate new knowledge as research progresses.

The online textbook and internet site will enhance the learning experience. Each figure in the printed edition is available from the internet site and can be readily downloaded into teaching presentations. Videos that illustrate procedures and important concepts not appreciated in static images are linked to several of the chapters. Pertinent review questions for each chapter can serve as a self-teaching module. Teaching cases prepared regularly by Dr. Michael Gotway present and explain important radiographic features of pulmonary disease. Literature updates that comment on recent articles should be of interest to the readership and, in addition, at the end of each chapter, links will direct the reader to recent articles and reviews. We aim to keep our online readers engaged and current and to give them reasons to visit the electronic textbook often.

We would like to thank our publisher Elsevier Inc. for their support and suggestions for improvement. We are very pleased with the layout of the book and the improved artwork. The publishing staff and copyeditors deserve special thanks and acknowledgment for their important contributions, particularly Dolores Meloni and Ann Ruzycka Anderson. Copyediting and print layout was skillfully performed by Berta Steiner and her staff at Bermedica Production, Ltd. We greatly appreciate the countless hours of work of authors, publishers, artists and copyeditors to bring this textbook to life. We encourage our readers to contribute also by providing feedback and suggestions for ongoing improvement.
John F. Murray, Jay A. Nadel, Robert J. Mason, V. Courtney Broaddus, Thomas R. Martin, Talmadge E. King Jr, Dean E. Schraufnagel

Volume 1
PART I - Scientific Principles of Respiratory Medicine
Section A - Anatomy and Development of the Respiratory Tract
  • 1 - Anatomy of the Lungs
  • 2 - Lung Growth and Development
  • 3 - Mendelian Genetics, Disease Modifying or Associated Genes, and Epigenetics of Lung Disease
Section B - Respiratory Physiology and Pharmacology
  • 4 - Ventilation, Blood Flow, and Gas Exchange
  • 5 - Respiratory System Mechanics and Energetics
  • 6 - Pulmonary Circulation and Regulation of Fluid Balance
  • 7 - Acid-Base Balance
  • 8 - Pharmacologic Principles
Section C - Defense Mechanisms and Immunology
  • 9 - Pulmonary Surfactant
  • 10 - Alveolar and Distal Airway Epithelial Fluid Transport
  • 11 - Airway Epithelial Mucins and Mucous Hypersecretion
  • 12 - Aerosol Deposition and Clearance
  • 13 - Innate Immunity in the Lungs
  • 14 - Adaptive Immunity
Section D - Respiratory Pathology and Inflammation
  • 15 - General Features of Non-neoplastic Respiratory Pathology
  • 16 - Injury and Repair of the Lung
PART II - Diagnosis and Evaluation of Respiratory Disease
Section E - Diagnosis
  • 17 - History and Physical Examination
  • 18 - Microbiologic Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Tract Infection
  • 19 - Radiographic Techniques
  • 20 - Ultrasonography
  • 21 - Nuclear Medicine Techniques
  • 22 - Flexible Bronchoscopy
  • 23 - Pleuroscopy and Medical Thoracoscopy
Section F - Evaluation
  • 24 - Pulmonary Function Testing
  • 25 - Clinical Exercise Testing
  • 26 - Preoperative Evaluation
  • 27 - Evaluation of Respiratory Impairment and Disability

PART III - Clinical Respiratory Medicine
Section G - Symptoms of Respiratory Disease and Their Management
  • 28 - Dyspnea
  • 29 - Cough
  • 30 - Chest Pain
Section H - Infectious Diseases of the Lungs
  • 31 - Viral Infections
  • 32 - Pyogenic Bacterial Pneumonia and Lung Abscess
  • 33 - Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
  • 34 - Tuberculosis
  • 35 - Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections
  • 36 - Fungal Infections
  • 37 - Parasitic Lung Infections
Section I - Obstructive Diseases
  • 38 - Asthma
  • 39 - Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema
  • 40 - Smoking Hazards and Cessation
  • 41 - Cystic Fibrosis
  • 42 - Bronchiectasis
  • 43 - Disorders of the Upper Airways
  • 44 - Disorders of the Intrathoracic Airways

Volume 2
PART III - Continued - Clinical Respiratory Medicine
Section J - Neoplasms of the Lung
  • 45 - Biology of Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer
  • 46 - Epidemiology of Lung Cancer
  • 47 - Clinical Aspects of Lung Cancer
  • 48 - Lymphoma, Lymphoproliferative Diseases, and Other Primary Malignant Tumors
  • 49 - Metastatic Malignant Tumors
  • 50 - Benign Lung Tumors
Section K - Disorders of the Pulmonary Circulation
  • 51 - Pulmonary Thromboembolism
  • 52 - Pulmonary Hypertension
  • 53 - Pulmonary Vasculitis
  • 54 - Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations and Other Vascular Abnormalities
  • 55 - Pulmonary Edema and Acute Lung Injury
  • 56 - Cor Pulmonale
Section L - Infiltrative and Interstitial Lung Diseases
  • 57 - Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias
  • 58 - The Lungs and Connective Tissue Diseases
  • 59 - Sarcoidosis
  • 60 - Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage and Rare Infiltrative Disorders of the Lung
  • 61 - Eosinophilic Lung Diseases
  • 62 - Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
  • 63 - Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Syndrome
Section M - Environmental and Occupational Disorders
  • 64 - Asthma in the Workplace and Occupational Asthma
  • 65 - Pneumoconioses and Other Mineral Dust–Related Diseases
  • 66 - Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
  • 67 - Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution
  • 68 - Acute Pulmonary Responses to Toxic Exposures
  • 69 - Bioterrorism
  • 70 - High Altitude
  • 71 - Diving Medicine
  • 72 - Drug-Induced Pulmonary Disease
Section N - Disorders of the Pleura
  • 73 - Pleural Effusion
  • 74 - Pneumothorax, Chylothorax, Hemothorax, and Fibrothorax
  • 75 - Tumors of the Pleura
Section O - Disorders of the Mediastinum
  • 76 - Tumors and Cysts of the Mediastinum
  • 77 - Pneumomediastinum and Mediastinitis
Section P - Disorders in the Control of Breathing
  • 78 - Hypoventilation and Hyperventilation Syndromes
  • 79 - Sleep-Disordered Breathing
Section Q - Respiratory Manifestations of Extrapulmonary Disorders
  • 80 - Pulmonary Complications of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
  • 81 - Pulmonary Complications of Stem Cell and Solid Organ Transplantation
  • 82 - Pulmonary Complications of Primary Immunodeficiencies
  • 83 - Pulmonary Complications of Abdominal Disease
  • 84 - Pulmonary Complications of Hematologic Disease
  • 85 - Pulmonary Complications of Endocrine Diseases
  • 86 - The Lungs in Obstetric and Gynecologic Disease
  • 87 - The Respiratory System and Neuromuscular Diseases
  • 88 - The Lungs and Chest Wall Diseases
Section R - Management of Respiratory Failure
  • 89 - Principles of Mechanical Ventilation
  • 90 - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • 91 - Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure
  • 92 - Acute Ventilatory Failure
  • 93 - Care at the End of Life for Patients with Respiratory Failure
  • 94 - Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • 95 - Lung Transplantation

  • Glossary of Terms and Standard Symbols

Completely revised, the 4th Edition of this authoritative reference delivers a wealth of new information that enables readers to identify, treat, and manage a full range of respiratory disorders more easily than ever. Edited and written by leaders in the field, the book covers the scientific principles of respiratory medicine; its foundations in basic anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, and immunology; and its clinical applications. It features a wealth of new chapters * coverage of new modalities in biotechnologic, genomic, and informational sciences * a new 2-color design that makes it easier and quicker to access key information * and complete references for further study.

Key Features
  • Master the scientific principles of respiratory medicine and its clinical applications.
  • Work through differential diagnosis using detailed explanations of each disease entity.
  • Learn new subjects in Pulmonary Medicine including Genetics, Ultrasound, and other key topics.
  • Grasp the Key Points in each chapter.

New to this edition
  • Covers the hottest topics in the field, including:
    • COPD guidelines and lung reduction surgery 
    • better pharmacological control of asthma 
    • first-line drug therapies for cancer 
    • interstitial lung disease 
    • thoracoscopic surgery 
    • ARDS ventilation guidelines c and more.
  • Includes 6 new chapters: 
    • Alveolar and Distal Airway Epithelial Fluid Transport 
    • Mucus Production, Secretion, and Clearance 
    • Pleuroscopy, Thoracoscopy, and Other Invasive Procedures 
    • Clinical Exercise Testing 
    • Smoking Hazards and Cessation 
    • Patient Education and Compliance.
  • Offers a fresh editorial approach with the addition of 1 new editor.
  • Features the work of 73 new authors, including international contributors.
  • Incorporates 100 new full-color illustrations for a total of more than 1,250 images.

Website Features
  • Images: Browse a Library of all book images. Easily select, organize, and download your images into a presentation.
  • Videos: View diagnostic and clinical videos with case descriptions. Each video is selected to enhance a topic in a chapter.
  • Thoracic Image Case Series: Review clinical cases with radiographs, videos, and clinical teaching points.
  • Review Questions: Test yourself with review questions for each chapter in a study or assessment mode.
  • Updates: Access important new discoveries and clinical advances as they arise.
  • Additional Suggested Readings: Examine additional and timely supplementary reviews and recent articles.
  • Appendix: Download a glossary of terms and standard symbols and key physiologic equations.
  • Consult the book from any computer at home, in your office, or at any practice location.
  • Instantly locate the answers to your clinical questions via a simple search query.
  • Quickly find out more about any bibliographical citation by linking to its MEDLINE abstract.

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 2400 pages
  • Publisher: Saunders; 5 edition (May 6, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1416047107
  • ISBN-13: 978-1416047100

List Price: $399.00

Medical Lecture Note Copyright © 2011