Lists of appendices, figures, tables, and monitoring schedules of Antipsychotics and their Side Effects

List of Appendices
1.6.1 Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale

List of Figures
1.10.1 Anatomy of the eye
1.12.1 The electrocardiogram complex

List of Tables
1.2.1 Summary of monitoring requirements in the USA and Canada
1.3.1 Pharmacological and clinical consequences of muscarinic blockade
1.3.2 Medications with moderate or strong anticholinergic activity
1.3.3 Anticholinergic effects and binding affinities of antipsychotics
1.4.1 Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
1.4.2 Categories of diagnostic abnormalities in patients at risk of diabetes mellitus
1.4.3 Glycemic control monitoring parameters for diabetes mellitus
1.5.1 10-year non-fatal myocardial infarction or coronary death risk calculator
1.5.2 Coronary artery disease risk categories and target lipid levels
1.6.1 EPS risk among antipsychotic drugs
1.7.1 Normal values of liver function tests
1.9.1 Weight categories and disease risk by BMI and waist circumference
1.9.2 BMI chart
1.11.1 Early-onset, reversible, clinical consequences of antipsychotic induced hyperprolactinemia
1.12.1 Risk factors for arrhythmias
1.12.2 Selected drugs known or suspected to prolong the QTc interval
1.12.3 Selected drugs that slow the elimination of QTc-prolonging agents
1.12.4 Standard QTc interval thresholds
1.13.1 Receptor-binding affinities of antipsychotics
1.13.2 Polysomnographic observed sleep effects of antipsychotics
1.13.3 Rates of insomnia and sedation among antipsychotics
1.14.1 Estimated seizure risk of antipsychotics
1.14.2 Putative drug- and patient-related risk factors for seizures
1.15.1 Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire for Females (CSFQ-14-F) and Males (CSFQ-14-M)
1.16.1 Causes of sialorrhea
1.17.1 Adverse cutaneous reactions associated with antipsychotic drugs
1.18.1 Summary of tardive-onset signs and symptoms to screen for and monitor
1.20.1 Risk factors associated with VTE
1.20.2 Signs and symptoms of VTE
1.21.1 Receptor binding affinities of antipsychotics
1.21.2 Vital signs and clinical inquiry

List of Monitoring Schedules
Monitoring schedule for antipsychotic induced agranulocytosis and other blood dyscrasias
Monitoring schedule for anticholinergic effects 21
Monitoring schedule for detecting new-onset diabetes 28
Monitoring schedule for antipsychotic induced dyslipidemia
Monitoring schedule for extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS)
Monitoring schedule for antipsychotic induced hepatic effects
Monitoring schedule for neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Monitoring schedule for antipsychotic induced weight gain and obesity
Monitoring schedule for antipsychotic induced ocular changes
Monitoring schedule for antipsychotic induced prolactin effects
Monitoring schedule for QTc prolongation, other arrhythmias, and risk of sudden cardiac death
Monitoring schedule for sedation and sleep disturbances
Monitoring schedule for seizures
Monitoring schedule for sexual dysfunction
Monitoring schedule for antipsychotic induced sialorrhea
Monitoring schedule for skin and hypersensitivity reactions
Monitoring schedule for tardive dyskinesia and other late-onset movement disorders
Monitoring schedule for antipsychotic induced urinary incontinence
Monitoring schedule for antipsychotic induced venous thromboembolism (VTE)
Monitoring schedule for vital signs
Monitoring schedule recommended for aripiprazole
Monitoring schedule recommended for chlorpromazine
Monitoring schedule recommended for clozapine
Monitoring schedule recommended for flupenthixol
Monitoring schedule recommended for fluphenazine
Monitoring schedule recommended for haloperidol
Monitoring schedule recommended for loxapine
Monitoring schedule recommended for methotrimeprazine
Monitoring schedule recommended for molindone
Monitoring schedule recommended for olanzapine
Monitoring schedule recommended for paliperidone
Monitoring schedule recommended for pericyazine
Monitoring schedule recommended for perphenazine
Monitoring schedule recommended for pimozide
Monitoring schedule recommended for pipotiazine palmitate
Monitoring schedule recommended for quetiapine
Monitoring schedule recommended for risperidone
Monitoring schedule recommended for thioridazine
Monitoring schedule recommended for thiothixene
Monitoring schedule recommended for trifluoperazine
Monitoring schedule recommended for ziprasidone
Monitoring schedule recommended for zuclopenthixol
General Antipsychotic Monitoring Form: AP year 1
General Antipsychotic Monitoring Form: AP year =2

Back to: Antipsychotics and their Side Effects by David M. Gardner (Cambridge University Press) 2011

Medical Lecture Note Copyright © 2011