Krouse: Managing the Allergic Patient

Allergic conditions are on the rise around the world. Irrespective of country, climate, and socioeconomic class, diseases such as allergic rhinitis, eczema, and asthma are increasing in frequency and importance. These interrelated conditions are responsible for significant morbidity among patients with allergic diseases, and adversely impact their function, sleep, and quality of life. In severe cases, allergic conditions can be lifethreatening. This primary role of allergy in the day to-day lives of many patients warrants a comprehensive approach to its diagnosis and treatment.

The present text represents a collaborative effort among physicians in a broad range of disciplines – otolaryngologists, allergists/immunologists, pulmonologists, pediatricians, ophthalmologists, and occupational physicians. This collaboration stresses that allergic illnesses cut across traditional boundaries of medical specialities, and will be encountered by both primary care physicians and medical and surgical specialists in their daily practices. In addition, it is through this collaboration that physicians and other health professionals can maximize their ability to effect significant improvement among their allergic patients.

For those of us involved in allergy, the pursuit of knowledge in this area is a passion. This passion drives physicians and other clinicians to strive for answers to diffi cult clinical situations. Challenges to treatment present opportunities for medical professionals to partner with patients and find effective solutions. This passion, however, must be driven by science and objective evidence. While unproven and nonstandard methods may in fact provide effective options for patients with allergic disease, they must be subject to rigorous, objective analysis in order to be endorsed. This evidencebased approach to managing the allergic patient is a principle that underlies this book and has guided the preparation of the chapters and their discussions throughout the text.

This book has been designed to provide an evidence-based, algorithmic approach to management that will allow the busy physician to recognize and diagnose the patient with allergic disorders and to initiate and evaluate the effects of treatment. It has also been designed to provide a more thorough review of the current relevant literature to allow physicians and other health professionals to investigate an individual topic in greater depth. The book can therefore be used both as a guide or manual to employing current therapy as well as a reference text.

  • Get the most up-to-date guidance from the most trusted experts in the field.
  • Quickly locate key anatomy, tests, and management protocols in the clinical setting.
  • Find everything you need in one place with diagnosis and management included in each chapter.
  • Compare common presentations and quickly reference the latest in diagnosis and treatment options with over 300 clinical and diagnostic algorithms, photographs, charts, and tables. 

  • 1 - introduction to allergy 
  • 2 - principles of allergy management 
  • 3 - management of the patient with rhinitis 
  • 4 - management of the patient with rhinosinusitis 
  • 5 - management of the patient with asthma 
  • 6 - management of the patient with ocular allergy 
  • 7 - otitis media: background and science 
  • 8 - management of the child with otitis media 
  • 9 - management of the patient with inner ear allergy 
  • 10 - management of the patient with laryngitis 
  • 11 - management of the patient with drug allergy 
  • 12 - management of the patient with occupational allergy 
  • 13 - management of the patient with atopic skin disease 
  • 14 - managing the allergic child 
  • 15 - management of the patient with anaphylaxis 

Book Details

  • Hardcover: 400 pages
  • Publisher: Saunders; 1 edition
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1416036776
  • ISBN-13: 978-1416036777
  • Product Dimensions: 10.6 x 7.9 x 1 inches 
List Price: $182.00

Medical Lecture Note Copyright © 2011