Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences Clinical Psychiatry 10th Edition

This is the tenth edition of Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry to appear since its founding over 35 years ago and the second edition to be published in the 21st century. Since its beginning, the goal of this book has been to foster professional competence and ensure the highest quality care to those with mental illness. An eclectic, multidisciplinary approach has been its hallmark; thus, biological, psychological, and sociological factors are equitably presented as they affect the person in health and disease. Each edition is thoroughly updated and the textbook has the reputation of being an independent, consistent, accurate, objective, and reliable compendium of new events in the field of psychiatry.

Synopsis serves the needs of diverse professional groups: psychiatrists and nonpsychiatric physicians, medical students, psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, and other mental health professionals, such as occupational and art therapists, among others. Synopsis is also used by nonprofessionals as an authoritative guide to help them collaborate in the care of a family member or friend with mental illness.

Kaplan & Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry 10th Edition is nearly 4,000 double-column pages long, with more than 400 contributions by outstanding psychiatrists and behavioral scientists. It serves the needs of those who require an exhaustive, detailed, and encyclopedic survey of the entire field. In an effort to be as comprehensive as possible, the textbook spans two volumes to cover the material, clearly rendering it unwieldy for some groups, especially medical students, who need a brief and more condensed statement of the field of psychiatry. To accomplish this, sections of the Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry were deleted or condensed, new subjects were introduced, and all sections were brought up to date, especially certain key areas, such as psychopharmacology.

Comprehensive Teaching System
The textbook forms one part of a comprehensive system developed by us to facilitate the teaching of psychiatry and the behavioral sciences. At the head of the system is the Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, which is global in depth and scope; it is designed for and used by psychiatrists, behavioral scientists, and all workers in the mental health field. Synopsis of Psychiatry is a relatively brief, highly modified, and current version useful for medical students, psychiatric residents, practicing psychiatrists, and mental health professionals. A special edition of Synopsis, Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry contains descriptions of all psychiatric disorders, including their diagnosis and treatment. It will be useful for clinical clerks and psychiatric residents who need a succinct overview of the management of clinical problems. Another part of the system, Study Guide and Self-Examination Review of Psychiatry, consists of multiple-choice questions and answers; it is designed for students of psychiatry and for clinical psychiatrists who require a review of the behavioral sciences and general psychiatry in preparation for a variety of examinations. The questions are modeled after and consistent with the format used by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN), the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), and the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). Other parts of the system are the pocket handbooks: Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Pocket Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Treatment, Pocket Handbook of Emergency Psychiatric Medicine, and Pocket Handbook of Primary Care Psychiatry. Those books cover the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders, psychopharmacology, psychiatric emergencies, and primary care psychiatry, respectively, and are designed and written to be carried in the pocket by clinical clerks and practicing physicians, whatever their specialty, to provide a quick reference. Finally, Comprehensive Glossary of Psychiatry and Psychology provides simply written definitions for psychiatrists and other physicians, psychologists, students, other mental health professionals, and the general public. Together, these books create a multiple approach to the teaching, study, and learning of psychiatry.

Classification of Disorders
A revision of the fourth edition of the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), called DSM-IV-TR (TR stands for text revision), was published in 2000. It contains the official nomenclature used by psychiatrists and other mental health professionals in the United States; the psychiatric disorders discussed in the textbook are consistent with and follow that nosology. Every section dealing with clinical disorders has been updated thoroughly and completely to include the revisions contained in DSM-IV-TR.
Synopsis was the first U.S. textbook to include the definitions and diagnostic criteria of mental disorders used in the tenth revision of the World Health Organization's International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10). There are textual differences between DSM and ICD, but according to treaties between the United States and the World Health Organization, the diagnostic code numbers must be identical to ensure uniform reporting of national and international psychiatric statistics. Currently, both DSM and ICD diagnoses and numerical codes are accepted by Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance companies for reimbursement purposes in the United States. Readers can find the DSM-IV-TR classification with the equivalent ICD-10 classification listed in Chapter 9. Color cues differentiate DSM and ICD diagnostic tables as a further aid to the reader.

Cover Art and Illustrations
Synopsis was one of the first modern psychiatric textbooks to use art and photographs to illustrate psychiatric subjects to enrich the learning experience. The cover art is entitled Melancholy by the Norwegian artist, Edvard Munch (1863-1943). In this painting, the limp female figure with her hidden face is stooped over and unable to raise her eyes to view the beautiful landscape of the fjords which normally lighten the mood of those who gaze on them. To Munch, the inability to obtain pleasure coupled with withdrawal and introversion were the hallmarks of melancholic depression.
Color plates of all psychiatric drugs and their dosage forms, including all new drugs developed since the last edition was published, are also included, as in all Kaplan & Sadock books. New illustrations and color plates have been added to many sections.

Case Histories
Case histories, which make clinical disorders more vital for the student, are an integral part of Synopsis. All cases in this edition are new, derived from various sources: ICD-10 Casebook, DSM-IV-TR Casebook, DSM-IV-TR Case Studies, contributors to the Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, and the authors' clinical experience at New York's Bellevue Hospital Center.

New and Updated Sections
Chapter 1, The Patient-Doctor Relationship, has been rewritten to reflect new concepts in the complex relationship between the doctor and his or her patient. A discussion of the 'narrative' the story the patient tells and its effect on that interaction is also included. 

Chapter 2 has been expanded to include a comprehensive survey of normality. Aging is covered in a new section that considers the process not as a disease but as an evolving part of the life cycle and includes a thorough survey of normal aging.

Chapter 3, The Brain and Behavior, has been reorganized, revised, updated, and extensively rewritten. The section, Functional Neuroanatomy, emphasizes the influence of function rather than structure on behavior. The sections, Psychoneuroendocrinology, and Psychneuroimmunology and Chronobiology, have been expanded to reflect the rapid advances in these fields. A newly written section, Neurogenetics, details the important and complex role of genetics in both normal and abnormal behavior.

The chapter End-of-Life Care and Palliative Medicine has been updated and reflects the important role that psychiatrists play in the clinical specialty of palliative care and pain control. Too little time -especially in medical school- is provided in training students to care for the dying patient with sensitivity and compassion. 

The chapter, Psychiatry and Reproductive Medicine, was extensively revised both to keep pace with advances in women's health issues and to clarify the confusion surrounding antepartum and postpartum events, contraception, abortion, and the role of hormone replacement therapy in women's mental health. 

The chapter Ethics in Psychiatry was completely revised and updated and includes an extensive discussion of the role of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide and their impact on the practice of medicine. 

The section Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition contains an updated discussion of prion disorders and 'mad cow disease.' In the last edition, the section Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder covered the tragic events of September 11, 2001, involving the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. Other disasters, however, have occurred since then, such as hurricane Katrina and the Pakistan earthquake in 2005. The psychological effects of those events are also covered. Two chapters, Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Psychiatry, and Cross-Cultural Syndromes, reflect the global scope of psychiatry and the need for clinicians to understand disorders that appear around the world. A new section called Brain Stimulation Methods describes many new advances in stimulating the brain in an effort to restore health to those patients who have not responded to conventional therapies and who are among the most severely mentally ill. 

The sections on psychotherapy have been expanded with new, separate, and up-to-date discussions on genetic counseling, cognitive therapy, interpersonal therapy, hypnosis, and dialectical behavior therapy. 

This edition continues the tradition of speaking out on sociopolitical issues that affect the delivery of health care. Practitioners have a special obligation to know about such issues that inform the physical and psychological well-being of their patients. Thus, discussions are included on the homeless mentally ill, deinstitutionalization, working conditions and number of hours medical house staff are on duty, the role of managed care in medicine and psychiatry, and the regulation of medicine by government agencies, among other areas of controversy. 

Finally, every section on clinical psychiatry has been updated to include the latest information about diagnosing and treating mental disorders. The references are also completely up-to-date.

The authors are committed to classifying drugs used to treat mental disorders according to their pharmacological activity and mechanism of action rather than using such broad categories as antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, and mood stabilizers, which are overly broad and do not reflect, scientifically, the clinical use of psychotropic medication. For example, many antidepressant drugs are used to treat anxiety disorders; some anxiolytics are used to treat depression and bipolar disorders; and drugs from all categories are used to treat other clinical problems, such as eating disorders, panic disorders, and impulse-control disorders. Many drugs are also used to treat a variety of mental disorders that do not fit into any broad classification. Information about all pharmacological agents used in psychiatry, including pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, dosages, adverse effects, and drug-drug interactions, was thoroughly updated and includes all drugs approved since publication of the previous edition.

Childhood Disorders
The chapters, Adolescent Substance Abuse and Forensic Issues in Child Psychiatry, were revised and expanded to reflect the epidemic of illicit drug use among youth and the problems of violence and delinquency. Data about posttraumatic stress disorders in children have been added, including the latest data on the psychological effects on children exposed to terrorist activities and natural disasters. The section Anxiety Disorders was reorganized and updated thoroughly. Every clinical disorder section was updated and revised, especially those that deal with the use of pharmacological agents in children.

  • 1 - The Patient-Doctor Relationship
  • 2 - Human Development Throughout the Life Cycle
  • 3 - The Brain and Behavior
  • 4 - Contributions of the Psychosocial Sciences
  • 5 - Clinical Neuropsychological Testing
  • 6 - Theories of Personality and Psychopathology
  • 7 - Clinical Examination of the Psychiatric Patient
  • 8 - Signs and Symptoms in Psychiatry
  • 9 - Classification in Psychiatry and Psychiatric Rating Scales
  • 10 - Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders
  • 11 - Neuropsychiatric Aspects of HIV Infection and AIDS
  • 12 - Substance-Related Disorders
  • 13 - Schizophrenia
  • 14 - Other Psychotic Disorders
  • 15 - Mood Disorders
  • 16 - Anxiety Disorders
  • 17 - Somatoform Disorders
  • 18 - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • 19 - Factitious Disorders
  • 20 - Dissociative Disorders
  • 21 - Human Sexuality
  • 22 - Gender Identity Disorders
  • 23 - Eating Disorders
  • 24 - Normal Sleep and Sleep Disorders
  • 25 - Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified
  • 26 - Adjustment Disorders
  • 27 - Personality Disorders
  • 28 - Psychosomatic Medicine
  • 29 - Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Psychiatry
  • 30 - Psychiatry and Reproductive Medicine
  • 31 - Relational Problems
  • 32 - Problems Related to Abuse or Neglect
  • 33 - Additional Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention
  • 34 - Emergency Psychiatric Medicine
  • 35 - Psychotherapies
  • 36 - Biological Therapies
  • 37 - Child Psychiatry: Assessment, Examination, and Psychological Testing
  • 38 - Mental Retardation
  • 39 - Learning Disorders
  • 40 - Motor Skills Disorder: Developmental Coordination Disorder
  • 41 - Communication Disorders
  • 42 - Pervasive Developmental Disorders
  • 43 - Attention-Deficit Disorders
  • 44 - Disruptive Behavior Disorders
  • 45 - Feeding and Eating Disorders of Infancy or Early Childhood
  • 46 - Tic Disorders
  • 47 - Elimination Disorders
  • 48 - Other Disorders of Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence
  • 49 - Mood Disorders and Suicide in Children and Adolescents
  • 50 - Anxiety Disorders of Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence
  • 51 - Early-Onset Schizophrenia
  • 52 - Adolescent Substance Abuse
  • 53 - Child Psychiatry: Additional Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention
  • 54 - Psychiatric Treatment of Children and Adolescents
  • 55 - Child Psychiatry: Special Areas of Interest
  • 56 - Geriatric Psychiatry
  • 57 - End of Life Care and Palliative Medicine
  • 58 - Clinical-Legal Issues in Psychiatry
  • 59 - Ethics in Psychiatry 

About the Authors
  • Benjamin James Sadock, M.D., is the Menas S. Gregory Professor of Psychiatry and Vice Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the New York University (NYU) School of Medicine, New York, New York. He is a graduate of Union College, received his M.D. degree from New York Medical College, and completed his internship at Albany Hospital. After finishing his residency at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital, he entered military service, serving as Acting Chief of Neuropsychiatry at Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, Texas. He has held faculty and teaching appointments at Southwestern Medical School and Parkland Hospital in Dallas and at New York Medical College, St. Luke's Hospital, the New York State Psychiatric Institute, and Metropolitan Hospital in New York. Dr. Sadock joined the faculty of the NYU School of Medicine in 1980 and served in various positions: Director of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry, Co-Director of the Residency Training Program in Psychiatry, and Director of Graduate Medical Education. Currently, Dr. Sadock is Co-Director of Student Mental Health Services, Psychiatric Consultant to the Admissions Committee, and Co-Director of Continuing Education in Psychiatry at the NYU School of Medicine. He is on the staff of Bellevue Hospital and Tisch Hospital and is a consulting psychiatrist at Lenox Hill Hospital. Dr. Sadock is a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and served as Associate Examiner for the Board for more than a decade. He is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, a Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine, and a member of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society. He is active in numerous psychiatric organizations and is founder and president of the NYU-Bellevue Psychiatric Society. Dr. Sadock was a member of the National Committee in Continuing Education in Psychiatry of the American Psychiatric Association; he served on the Ad Hoc Committee on Sex Therapy Clinics of the American Medical Association, was a delegate to the conference on Recertification of the American Board of Medical Specialists, and was a representative of the American Psychiatric Association Task Force on the National Board of Medical Examiners and the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. In 1985, he received the Academic Achievement Award from New York Medical College and was appointed Faculty Scholar at NYU School of Medicine in 2000. He is the author or editor of more than 100 publications, a book reviewer for psychiatric journals, and he lectures on a broad range of topics in general psychiatry. Dr. Sadock maintains a private practice for diagnostic consultations and psychiatric treatment. He has been married to Virginia Alcott Sadock, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine, since completing his residency. Dr. Sadock enjoys opera, golf, skiing, and traveling, and is an enthusiastic fly fisherman.
  • Virginia Alcott Sadock, M.D., joined the faculty of the New York University (NYU) School of Medicine in 1980, where she is currently Professor of Psychiatry and Attending Psychiatrist at the Tisch Hospital and Bellevue Hospital. She is Director of the Program in Human Sexuality at the NYU Medical Center, one of the largest treatment and training programs of its kind in the United States. Dr. Sadock is the author of more than 50 articles and chapters on sexual behavior and was the developmental editor of The Sexual Experience, one of the first major textbooks on human sexuality, published by Williams & Wilkins. She serves as a referee and book reviewer for several medical journals, including the American Journal of Psychiatry and the Journal of the American Medical Association. She has long been interested in the role of women in medicine and psychiatry and was a founder of the Committee on Women in Psychiatry of the New York County District Branch of the American Psychiatric Association. She is active in academic matters, has served as Assistant and Associate Examiner for the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology for more than 15 years; she was a member of the Test Committee in Psychiatry for both the American Board of Psychiatry and the Psychiatric Knowledge and Self-Assessment Program (PKSAP) of the American Psychiatric Association. She has chaired the Committee on Public Relations of the New York County District Branch of the American Psychiatric Association and has participated in the National Medical Television Network series Women in Medicine and the Emmy Award-winning PBS television documentary Women and Depression. She has been Vice-President of the Society of Sex Therapy and Research and a regional council member of the American Association of Sex Education Counselors and Therapists; she is currently President of the Alumni Association of Sex Therapists. She lectures extensively in the United States and abroad on sexual dysfunction, relational problems, and depression and anxiety disorders. She is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, a Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine, and a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Dr. Sadock is a graduate of Bennington College; she received her M.D. degree from New York Medical College, and trained in psychiatry at Metropolitan Hospital. She maintains an active practice that includes individual psychotherapy, couples and marital therapy, sex therapy, psychiatric consultation, and pharmacotherapy. She lives in Manhattan with her husband Dr. Benjamin Sadock. They have two children, James William Sadock, M.D., and Victoria Anne Gregg, M.D., both emergency physicians, and two grandchildren, Emily Alcott and Celia Anne. In her leisure time, Dr. Sadock enjoys theater, film, golf, reading fiction, and traveling.

Book Details

  • Paperback: 1472 pages
  • Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Tenth, North American edition
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 078177327X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0781773270
  • Product Dimensions: 10.4 x 7.5 x 1.6 inches
List Price: $102.00 


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