Clive: Ethnic Dermatology: Clinical Problems and Skin Pigmentation 2nd Edition

Doctors outside dermatology are often surprised that there are nearly 2000 different skin diseases. Depending on variations in medical practice worldwide, skin disorders may present to a wide range of clinicians, including specialist dermatologists, trainee dermatologists, family practitioners (general practitioners), and hospital doctors, in addition to other healthcare workers. 

The aims of this book on ethnic dermatology are to improve the diagnostic skills of doctors and other healthcare workers, not only in patients with ‘white skin’ (white Caucasians) but also in patients from different ethnic groups, and to provide an up-to-date approach to the investigation of patients with skin diseases, before making some therapeutic suggestions. 

The term ‘ethnic’ to mean ‘origin by birth or descent rather than nationality, relating to race or culture’ and not to denote ‘non-European’. The comparison of skin disorders in white and deeply pigmented skin is an important way of learning. By using this book regularly, the reader will become familiar with the appearance of common and uncommon skin diseases in people with varying degrees of skin pigmentation. Even ‘white’ skin is pigmented and different ethnic groups will have lighter or darker skin, ranging from the fair skin of Chinese Asians to the brown skin of Indian Asians to the dark brown, almost black skin of Afro-Caribbeans, African-Americans or Africans. 

  • 1 Skin diseases and ethnic groups
  • 2 Disorders with epidermal change
  • 3 Disorders of the epidermal appendages and related disorders
  • 4 Disorders of the dermal–epidermal interface and the dermis
  • 5 Disorders of epidermal and dermal–epidermal cohesion: blistering disorders
  • 6 Disorders of the dermis
  • 7 Disorders of the vasculature and subcutaneous disorders
  • 8 Dermatological aspects of internal medicine
  • 9 Disorders of altered reactivity
  • 10 Disorders of melanocytes
  • 11 Non-melanocytic tumours
  • 12 Infectious diseases and infestations
  • Index

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 228 pages
  • Publisher: Informa Healthcare; 2 edition (October 21, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0415471192
  • ISBN-13: 978-0415471190
  • Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 7.7 x 0.6 inches 
List Price: $200.00

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