Whitlow: Improved Outcomes in Colon and Rectal Surgery

In Improved Outcomes in Colon and Rectal Surgery, Drs. Whitlow, Beck, Margolin, Hicks, and Timmcke have assembled a knowledgeable, expert, and distinguished group of contributors who additionally have flavored their contributions with their practical experience and “how I do it” approaches. This volume is the third in a series dealing with improving outcomes, avoiding complications, and in general improving the lot of patients who require surgery for conditions of the large bowel, rectum, and anus.

The stated objective of guiding less experienced surgeons in avoiding the pitfalls of both commonly encountered complications and those of rarer occurrence is well met in this volume. It should be in the library of all neophyte surgeons and deserves to be read even by experienced practitioners.

The field of colon and rectal surgery is a dynamic one with endoscopic and open surgery procedures at a mature stage. With constantly improving laparoscopic techniques, robotic surgery and other modalities only dreamed about in the past requiring every surgeon to continue to learn and improve this book fills a visible need.

  • 1 Preexisting conditions
  • 2 Preoperative bowel preparation
  • 3 Anesthesia and intraoperative positioning
  • 4 Sepsis
  • 5 Intraoperative anastomotic challenges
  • 6 Other intraoperative challenges
  • 7 Postoperative anastomotic complications
  • 8 General postoperative complications
  • 9 Care paths and optimal postop management
  • 10 Limitations of anorectal physiology testing
  • 11 Limitations of colorectal imaging studies
  • 12 Transanal endoscopy
  • 13 Laparoscopic colorectal surgery
  • 14 Medical legal issues
  • 15 Miscellanous conditions
  • 16 Quality and outcome measures
  • 17 Hemorrhoidal surgery
  • 18 Nonoperative therapy for hemorrhoid disease
  • 19 Surgery and nonoperative therapy of perirectal abscesses and anal fistulas
  • 20 Surgery and nonoperative therapy of anal fissure
  • 21 Surgery for pilonidal disease and hidradenitis suppurativa
  • 22 Surgical treatment of fecal incontinence
  • 23 Surgery for rectal prolapse
  • 24 Operative and nonoperative therapy for diverticular disease
  • 25 Abdominal surgery for colorectal cancer
  • 26 Transanal approaches to rectal cancer
  • 27 Abdominoperineal resection
  • 28 Indications and outcomes for treatment of recurrent rectal cancer and colorectal liver and lung metastasis
  • 29 Chemotherapy for colon and rectal cancer
  • 30 Radiation therapy: Acute and late toxicity
  • 31 Surgery for ulcerative colitis
  • 32 Surgery for Crohn’s disease
  • 33 Ostomies
  • 34 Operative and nonoperative therapy for chronic constipation
  • 35 Colorectal trauma
  • 36 Urologic complications of colorectal surgery
  • Index 

    Product Details

    • Hardcover: 420 pages
    • Publisher: Informa Healthcare; 1 edition (November 12, 2009)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1420071521
    • ISBN-13: 978-1420071528
    • Product Dimensions: 11.3 x 8.6 x 1 inches 
    List Price: $400.00

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