Eye opening (E)
- 4 : Spontaneous
- 3 : Response to verbal command
- 2 : Response to pain
- 1 : No eye opening
Verbal response (V)
- 5 : Oriented
- 4 : Confused
- 3 : Inappropriate words
- 2 : Incomprehensible sounds
- 1 : No verbal response
Motor response (M)
- 6 : Obeys commands
- 5 : Localizing response to pain
- 4 : Withdrawal response to pain
- 3 : Abnormal flexion to pain
- 2 : Abnormal extension to pain
- 1 : No motor response
- The GCS is scored between 3 and 15, 3 being the worst, and 15 the best.
- It is composed of three parameters: best eye response (E), best verbal response (V), and best motor response (M).
- The components of the GCS should be recorded individually; for example, E2V3M4 results in a GCS score of 9.
- A score of 13 or higher correlates with mild brain injury.
- A score of 9 to 12 correlates with moderate injury.
- And a score of 8 or less represents severe brain injury.
- For children 2 years of age or younger we can use The pediatric Glasgow coma scale. (See "Lecture Notes: The pediatric Glasgow coma scale")