Singer: Movement Disorders in Childhood (Expert Consult Series)

Movement disorders are a relatively new area of specialization within child neurology. For many years, movement abnormalities affecting the pediatric population received little attention in adult-oriented textbooks, and chapters were frequently written by adult neurologists. Over the past several decades, child neurologists have assumed a greater role in the care of children with movement disorders and the investigation of their underlying etiologies and mechanisms.

The decision to produce a high-quality text devoted to movement disorders in children was based on a perceived need for an informative, useful resource that would benefit the care of affected individuals. In the process of attaining this ultimate goal, several working aims were established. First and foremost, each chapter would be written by a board-certified child neurologist with a strong clinical and scientific background in the field. Second, the number of authors would be limited, in order to maintain an active dialogue and comprehensive review of each chapter. Lastly, recognizing that written descriptions of abnormal movements are often limited and that visual aides are an essential teaching tool, the inclusion of videos was a requirement.

Chapters were written by Harvey Singer, Jonathan Mink, and Donald Gilbert and reviewed by all authors. Patient videos, designed to illustrate and enhance the described phenomenology, were provided by Joseph Jankovic, who also reviewed and edited all the chapters. The book is organized in sections. The first section, Chapters 1 to 4Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4, includes basal ganglia and cerebellar anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology; standard definitions; and diagnostic approaches. Subsequent chapters are disease oriented, based on age of presentation, predominant motor phenomenology (hypokinetic or hyperkinetic), or clinical etiology (static encephalopathy, metabolic disease, etc). Where possible, chapters share a common format consisting of an overview, definition, review of clinical characteristics, neuronatomic localization, and pathophysiology, followed by a discussion of individual diseases and disorders. Lastly, we have included appendices with information of general relevance to a clinician managing a child with a movement disorder. Appendix A covers common medications used in the treatment of movement disorders (doses, side effects, and drug interactions). Appendix B provides a guide for diagnosing heritable movement disorders, with tips on the use of the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) and Genetests websites. Appendix C provides legends to the videos.

For all, this was a labor of pleasure and one of continued learning. We believe that this book provides a fundamental background of neuronal circuitry, an approach to patient evaluation, and a comprehensive review of disorders that should be acceptable to readers at all levels of experience. We fully recognize that advances in pediatric movement disorders continue to proceed at a rapid pace and that future updates may be required.
-- The Authors

Key Features
  • Discusses neurobiology, classification, diagnostic evaluation, and treatment, making this a one-stop-shop for all you need to know to diagnose and treat any child with any movement disorder.
  • Offers expert guidance and detailed coverage on today’s hot topics, including movements that occur in sleep, drug-induced movement disorders in children, and psychogenic movement disorders to help you better treat whatever you encounter.
  • Addresses developmental, paroxysmal, hyperkinetic and hypokinetic, and other movement disorders, offering complete, comprehensive coverage.
  • Presents chapters based on clinical symptomology and disease with specific therapy guidance at the end of each chapter.
  • Uses illustrations and a logical organization throughout, making reference a snap.

Website Features
  • Consult the book from any computer at home, in your office, or at any practice location.
  • Instantly locate the answers to your clinical questions via a simple search query.
  • Quickly find out more about any bibliographical citation by linking to its MEDLINE abstract.
  • Videos: View video clips illustrating a variety of conditions.

Section 1 - Overview
  • Chapter 1 - Basal Ganglia Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Physiology
  • Chapter 2 - Cerebellar Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Physiology
  • Chapter 3 - Classification of Movement Disorders
  • Chapter 4 - Diagnostic Evaluation of Children with Movement Disorders

Section 2 - Developmental Movement Disorders
  • Chapter 5 - Transient and Developmental Movement Disorders in Children

Section 3 - Paroxysmal Movement Disorders
  • Chapter 6 - Tics and Tourette Syndrome
  • Chapter 7 - Motor Stereotypies
  • Chapter 8 - Paroxysmal Dyskinesias

Section 4 - Hyperkinetic and Hypokinetic Movement Disorders
  • Chapter 9 - Chorea, Athetosis, and Ballism
  • Chapter 10 - Dystonia
  • Chapter 11 - Myoclonus
  • Chapter 12 - Tremor
  • Chapter 13 - Ataxia
  • Chapter 14 - Parkinsonism

Section 5 - Selected Secondary Movement Disorders
  • Chapter 15 - Inherited Metabolic Disorders Associated with Extrapyramidal Symptoms
  • Chapter 16 - Movements That Occur in Sleep
  • Chapter 17 - Cerebral Palsy
  • Chapter 18 - Drug-Induced Movement Disorders in Children
  • Chapter 19 - Psychogenic Movement Disorders

  • A: Drug Appendix
  • B: Search Strategy for Genetic Movement Disorders
  • C: Video Atlas

About the Authors
  • Harvey S. Singer, MD, Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics, Haller Professor of Pediatric Neurological Diseases, Director of Pediatric Neurology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Jonathan W. Mink, MD, PhD, Professor of Neurology, Neurobiology and Anatomy, and Pediatrics Chief, Child Neurology, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New york.
  • Donald L. Gilbert, MD, Director, Movement Disorder Clinic and Tourette's Syndrome Clinic, Associate Professor of Pediatric Neurology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Joseph Jankovic, MD, Professor of Neurology, Director, Parkinson's Disease Center and Movement Disorders Clinic, Department of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Saunders; 1 Har/Psc edition (December 15, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0750698527
  • ISBN-13: 978-0750698528
  • Product Dimensions: 10.6 x 7.5 x 0.7 inches
List Price: $99.95

Medical Lecture Note Copyright © 2011