American Dietetic Association Complete Food and Nutrition Guide 3rd Edition

Food, nutrition, and physical fitness are the foundation of a healthy lifestyle in today’s society. We eat to grow and develop, sustain life, and nourish our bodies, as well as to enjoy food and dining, share meals, and celebrate events. More and more, we equate certain foods and diet patterns with nutritional well-being and realize the complexities of choosing foods wisely. At the same time, however, new information is exploding on the quantity and quality of foods and nutrients needed for optimal health. Some findings may be confusing when one study seems to refute another or one food or nutrient is taken out of context of the total diet. What consumers need is a reliable source based on the bestavailable scientific evidence. The third edition of the American Dietetic Association Complete Food and Nutrition Guide is that source. Updated to reflect new research studies and government recommendations, including the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Dietary Reference Intakes, this comprehensive guide is the foundation of nutrition and physical activity advice for every age and stage of life.
One of the major contributions of this book is its wide and comprehensive scope. Beginning with a framework of food choices and solutions for healthful eating, this guide tackles topics important to today’s consumers, including nutrition and fitness standards, the essentials of weight maintenance, being supermarket savvy, eating away from home, diets for chronic disease prevention, food allergies, dietary supplements, and kitchen safety. This guide also examines terms you may have heard, but need to know more about—terms like “discretionary calories,” “energy density,” “trans fatty acids,” and “functional foods.” As a practical resource, this guide includes fact-filled sidebars, tables, and questionnaires that promote a healthy lifestyle. Recipes, food tips, nutrient charts, and self-help questions keep you informed and motivated. Features like “Your Nutrition Checkup” and “Label Lingo” give this guide a consistent and easy-to-access format. It is a resource that can be consulted again and again.
Scientific evidence will continue to accumulate substantiating the link between diet and a range of chronic diseases, and the American Dietetic Association Complete Food and Nutrition Guide will keep you well informed with its extensive list of organizations, Web sites, and resources. Please use and savor this guide for your own health and for those in your care.

PART I Eat Smart, Live Well: It’s about You!
CHAPTER 1 Food Choices: A Fit You!
  • Fitness: Your Overall Health!
  • Smart Eating, Active Living: Guidelines for Americans
  • Your Food Choices: The Inside Story
  • Healthful Eating, Active Living: One Step at a Time!
PART II Healthful Eating: The Basics
CHAPTER 2 Your Healthy Weight
  • Body Basics: What’s Your Healthy Weight?
  • Energy Basics: Calorie Math
  • Weighing the Risks
  • Weight Management: Strategies That Work!
  • Too Thin—a Problem?
  • Disordered Eating: Problems, Signs, and Help
  • “Diets” That Don’t Work!
  • When You Need Help
CHAPTER 3 Fat Facts
  • Fats Matter
  • Cholesterol: Different from Fat
  • Too Much of a Good Thing?
CHAPTER 4 Vitamins, Minerals, and Phytonutrients: Variety on Your Plate!
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Team Players!
  • Vitamins: The Basics
  • Minerals Not “Heavy Metal”
  • Phytonutrients a “Crop” for Good Health
CHAPTER 5 Carbs: Simply Complex
  • “Carbs”: The Basics
  • Carbohydrates and Health
  • Carbohydrates in Food
  • Sugar Alcohols: Sugar Replacers
  • Intense Sweeteners: Flavor without Calories
CHAPTER 6 Fiber: Your Body’s Broom
  • Fiber: It’s Very Important!
  • For Fiber—Variety!
CHAPTER 7 Sodium and Potassium: A Salty Subject
  • Sodium, Potassium, and Your Health
  • Sodium in Your Food Choices
  • Flavor . . . with Little Salt and Less Sodium
CHAPTER 8 Fluids: The Power of Water
  • A Fluid Asset
  • What’s to Drink?
PART III Smart Eating: The Consumer Marketplace
CHAPTER 9 What’s on Today’s Table?
  • Food: What’s “in Store” for You?
  • Ensuring Your Food Supply
CHAPTER 10 Planning to Eat Smart
  • MyPyramid: An Eating Guide for a Healthier You!
  • Inside MyPyramid
  • Everyday Challenges: Smart Eating Strategies!
CHAPTER 11 Savvy Shopping
  • Today’s Food Labels
  • Supermarket Psychology
  • Your Shopping Guide
  • Food Safety: Start at the Store
CHAPTER 12 The Safe Kitchen
  • Foodborne Illness: More Common than You Think!
  • Checklist for a Clean Kitchen
  • Safekeeping
  • Safe Preparation and Service
  • Quick Tips for Injury Prevention
  • The “Eco Kitchen”
CHAPTER 13 Kitchen Nutrition: Delicious Decisions
  • “Resetting” Your Table . . . for Flavor and Health
  • Simply Nutritious, Simply Delicious
  • Add Life to Your Spices—and Herbs, Too!
CHAPTER 14 Your Food Away from Home
  • Dining Out for Health and Pleasure
  • Eating Out Safely!
  • Fast Food, Healthful Food
  • Eating Out Ethnic Style
  • Eating for Travelers
  • Flavor on the Menu
PART IV Food for Health: Every Age, Every Stage of Life
CHAPTER 15 Off to a Healthy Start
  • Breast-Feeding Your Baby
  • Another Healthful Option: Bottle-Feeding
  • Solid Advice on Solid Foods
CHAPTER 16 Food to Grow On
  • Toddlers and Preschoolers: Food and Play for the Early Years
  • School-Age Kids: Eat Smart, Move More
  • Feeding the Teen Machine
CHAPTER 17 For Women Only
  • Childbearing Years: Nutrition, Menstruation, and Prepregnancy
  • You’re Expecting!
  • For Those Who Breast-Feed
  • Now for Menopause
CHAPTER 18 For Mature Adults: Healthful Eating!
  • Aged to Perfection!
  • When Lifestyles Change
  • Changes That Challenge
PART V Healthful Eating: Special Issues
CHAPTER 19 Athlete’s Guide: Winning Nutrition
  • Nutrients for Active Living
  • A High-Performance Diet
  • Making Weight
  • The Game Plan
  • Ergogenic Aids: No Substitute for Training
CHAPTER 20 The Vegetarian Way
  • Being Vegetarian
  • Vegetarian Diets: Nutritionally Speaking
  • Throughout the Life Cycle
  • “Vegging Out” the Healthful Way!
CHAPTER 21 Sensitive about Food
  • Food Intolerances and Other Adverse Food Reactions
  • Food Allergies: Less Common
CHAPTER 22 Smart Eating to Prevent and Manage Disease
  • Your Healthy Heart
  • Blood Pressure: Under Control?
  • Cancer Connection
  • Diabetes: A Growing Health Concern
  • Osteoporosis: Reduce the Risks
  • Gastrointestinal Conditions
  • Anemia: “Tired Blood”
  • Food and Medicine
CHAPTER 23 Supplements: Use and Abuse
  • Dietary Supplements: Defined
  • Supplements: Safe? Effective?
  • If You Take a Supplement
PART VI Resources: More about Healthful Eating
CHAPTER 24 Well Informed?

  • Need Nutrition Advice?
  • Be Your Own Judge!
  • Case against Health Fraud
  • Resources You Can Use
  • Appendices
  • 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Dietary Reference Intakes
  • Growth Charts: Body Mass Index for Children and Teens
  • Body Mass Index for Adults
  • Carbohydrates in Common Foods
  • % Daily Values: What Are They Based On?
  • Health Claims on Food Labels
  • MyPyramid Food Intake Patterns
  • MyPyramid Food Intake Pattern Calorie Levels
  • How Many Discretionary Calories Can You Have?
  • Produce “Package”
  • Functional Foods: What Does Research Say?
  • Functions of Selected Additives

Book Details

  • Paperback: 688 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley; Revised and Updated 3rd edition (September 18, 2006) 
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0470041153
  • ISBN-13: 978-0470041154
  • Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 7.9 x 1.8 inches
List Price: $24.95

Medical Lecture Note Copyright © 2011