Murphy: Practical Transfusion Medicine 3rd edition

Since the second edition of Practical Transfusion Medicine was published in 2005, a number of important developments have taken place in the field of transfusion medicine and the pace of change seems likely to increase further as we embrace new scientific and technological developments.
The primary aim of the third edition remains the same – to provide a comprehensive guide to transfusion medicine. The book includes information in more depth than contained within handbooks of transfusion medicine, and is presented in a more concise and ‘user-friendly’ manner than standard reference texts.
The book is divided into 49 chapters, written in a friendly, accessible, concise and easy style. It has now been expanded from five to seven parts – all very much needed to get a comprehensive view of all aspects of transfusion medicine and allied fields. The chapters are written, with the authority that grows from experience, by practising clinicians, researchers and health care professionals who procure, produce and test blood components, cells and tissues and by those who use them and have to trace them to their final destination. It should enable the reader to obtain a rounded view of what transfusion medicine consists of in the twenty-first century. It also allocates space to different areas according to their relevance in current practice; for example there are full chapters on TRALI, haemovigilance and bacterial contamination. It is recommended for those already involved in blood services and transfusion medicine as well as for those entering the field and who have to make important decisions about patient care.

In most cases, the only exposure of health care professionals to transfusion medicine has been a brief session during their undergraduate training; this book will wet their appetite for this very interesting field of medicine. Indeed, Practical Transfusion Medicine provides a strong background in those subjects and principles which are so important to anybody involved in the fields of transfusion and transplantation. The authorship has been expanded and is now more ‘international’ than in the previous two editions.
Many textbooks devoted to blood transfusion therapy have been published, although surprisingly few deal sufficiently with practical concepts and objectives whilst at the same time dealing with the scientific basis of the many topics embraced. Most books have too much theory and science, neglecting what is important to the clinician and everyday health care practitioner, i.e. ‘how to do it’ and ‘why we are doing it’. This book gives you the answers. Transfusion Medicine interacts with many other areas of science and medicine and this is clearly shown in the book. The editors have achieved what few books on the subject have done in the past – they have managed to transmit excitement and interest about this growing and fascinating multidisciplinary speciality.
The book is a testimony of the significant progress experienced by transfusion medicine in recent years. Although there is a great deal that we still need to know about clinical transfusion medicine, as is evident after reading the book, a great deal of progress has been made in the last 5 years, including recent discoveries, clinical trials, systematic reviews and progress in quality management and the regulatory environment. This book will continue to provide a text that will be useful to the many clinical and scientific staff, both established practitioners and trainees, who are involved in some aspect of transfusion medicine and who require an accessible text.

1 Introduction: recent evolution of transfusion medicine
Part 1 Basic principles of immunohaematology
2 Essential immunology for transfusion medicine
3 Human blood group systems
4 Human leucocyte antigens
5 Platelet and neutrophil antigens
Part 2 Complications of transfusion
6 Investigation of acute transfusion reactions
7 Haemolytic transfusion reactions
8 Febrile and allergic transfusion reactions
9 Transfusion-related acute lung injury
10 Transfusion-related immunomodulation
11 Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease and microchimerism
12 Post-tranfusion purpura
13 Tranfusion-transmitted infections
14 Bacterial contamination
15 Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
16 Emerging infections and transfusion safety
Part 3 Practice in blood centres and hospitals
17 Regulatory aspects of blood transfusion
18 The role of haemovigilance in transfusion safety
19 Donors and blood collection
20 Blood donation testing and the safety of the blood supply
21 Production and storage of blood components
22 Medicolegal aspects of transfusion practice
23 Blood transfusion in hospitals
24 Blood transfusion in a global context
Part 4 Clinical transfusion practice
25 Good blood management: the effective and safe use of blood components
26 Prenatal and childhood transfusions
27 Haematological disease
28 Blood transfusion in the management of patients with haemoglobinopathies
29 Massive blood loss
30 Inherited and acquired coagulation disordersn
31 Recombinant proteins in diagnosis and therapy
32 Immunodeficiency and immunoglobulin therapy
Part 5 Alternatives to transfusion
33 The principles of bloodless medicine and surgery
34 Autologous transfusion
35 Blood substitutes
36 Pharmacological agents and recombinant factor VIIa
Part 6 Cellular and tissues therapy and organ transplantation
37 Regulation and accreditation in cellular therapy
38 Stem cell collection and therapeutic apheresis
39 Haemopoietic stem cell processing and storage
40 Haemopoietic stem cell transplantation
41 Cord blood transplantation
42 Recent advances in clinical cellular immunotherapy
43 Cytokines in transfusion practice
44 Tissue banking
45 Transfusion strategies in organ transplant patients
Part 7 Development of the evidence base for transfusion
46 The design of interventional trials in transfusion medicine
47 Getting the most out of the evidence for transfusion medicine
48 How to influence clinicians’ use of blood – improving the transfusion practice in hospitals?
49 Scanning the future of transfusion medicine
Colour plates can be found facing page

Book Details

  • Hardcover: 576 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 3 edition (May 5, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1405181966
  • ISBN-13: 978-1405181969
  • Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 7.6 x 1.4 inches

List Price: $164.95

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