Cook: Manson's Tropical Diseases 22nd edition (Expert Consult Series)

From the difficult to diagnose to the difficult to treat, be prepared for whatever your patients bring back. The revised and updated 22nd edition of Manson's Tropical Diseases provides you with the latest coverage on emerging and re-emerging diseases from around the world, such as multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis and malaria, the avian flu, and more. Boxes and tables highlight key information on current therapies. And now, as an Expert Consult title, you can access the information you need online as well as in print!

When Sir Patrick Manson GCMG, FRS (1844–1922) wrote his great text subtitled ‘A manual of the diseases of warm climates’ in 1898, he could not have envisaged that a century and more later the work was to be in ever greater use by medical practitioners throughout the world. The textbook has in fact evolved and expanded to cover all of the diseases associated with tropical exposure, and not merely those about which something was known in the late nineteenth century, and about which the average medical practitioner in England and other temperate lands knew little.
The twenty-second edition of Manson's Tropical Diseases has in the main followed a pattern laid down in the twentieth edition (1996). The chapter headings are similar to those in the twenty-first edition, with the exception that, in order to keep the book to reasonable dimensions we have excluded the chapter on ‘High Altitude problems'. The majority of the contributors to that edition have accepted our invitation to write again and update their chapters; however there are several new authors who share their experience and wisdom. We offer them a warm welcome and sincere thanks for their valuable input. There is a vast array of international talent included in this essentially British textbook which ranks as one of the oldest clinical treatises in the medical literature.
It is also our sad duty to record the sudden and tragic death of Professor CA Hart, one of our most prolific contributors, during the preparation of the present edition. We are indebted to Luis Cuevas for a tribute to Tony Hart, Professor of Microbiology at Liverpool University, who died in September 2007 aged 58 years.
We would again like to thank our Publishers for making our task relatively straightforward, especially our development editor Louise Cook, who has ‘held the fort’ throughout the publication of this edition. Finally we thank our respective wives Jane and Farzana for their continuing forbearance while we devoted countless hours to editorial tasks associated with this edition.
We trust that physicians, medical officers, postgraduate tropical medical students, infectious diseases physicians, parasitologists and other health personnel throughout the world will continue to delve into and benefit from what has rightly become widely known as the ‘Bible’ of tropical medicine. We commend the latest edition of this venerable work to all medical and paramedical health personnel throughout the world.
Gordon C Cook, Alimuddin I Zumla 

Book Features 
  • Covers every aspect of Tropical Medicine in detail, not just infections.
  • Takes both a system-based and a disease approach, with extensive cross-referencing to minimize duplication.
  • Includes a strong clinical focus, emphasized by clinical management diagrams.
  • Features leading experts in the field, with contributions from clinicians who are based full-time in the tropics.

Website Features
  • Consult the book from any computer at home, in your office, or at any practice location.
  • Instantly locate the answers to your clinical questions via a simple search query.
  • Quickly find out more about any bibliographical citation by linking to its MEDLINE abstract. 

New to this edition
  • Features up-to-date information on HIV/AIDS, with an emphasis on Africa; malaria; tropical gastroenterological problems; dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever; tuberculosis; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; SARS; avian flu; bartonellosis, cat-scratch disease, trench fever, human erlichiosis; and more.
  • Describes the latest therapies, such as recently approved drugs and new treatment options, so you can incorporate them into to your practice.
  • Presents global perspectives from the world's leaders in this specialty to put the latest expert knowledge to work for you and your patients.
  • Highlights key information with more boxes and tables so you can find what you need easily and apply it quickly.
  • Allows you to access the complete contents online, plus appendices on Laboratory Diagnosis, Parasitic Protozoa, Medical Helminthology, Nematodes, Trematodes, Cestodes, Medical Acarology and Entomology, and Sources of Information in Tropical Medicine.

  • Chapter 1 - History of Tropical Medicine, and Medicine in the Tropics
Section 1 - Underlying Factors in Tropical Medicine

  • Chapter 2 - Primary Care and Disease Prevention and Control
  • Chapter 3 - Epidemiology of Disease in the Tropics
  • Chapter 4 - Traditional Medicine
  • Chapter 5 - Genetics
  • Chapter 6 - Immunological Aspects of Tropical Diseases
  • Chapter 7 - The Economics and Financing of Tropical and Infectious Disease Control
  • Chapter 8 - Ethics and Tropical Diseases: Some Global Considerations

Section 2 - Symptoms and Signs

  • Chapter 9 - General Approach to the Patient

Section 3 - System-oriented Disease

  • Chapter 10 - Tropical Gastroenterological Problems
  • Chapter 11 - Respiratory Problems in the Tropics
  • Chapter 12 - Cardiovascular Disease in the Tropics
  • Chapter 13 - Haematological Diseases in the Tropics
  • Chapter 14 - Blood Transfusion
  • Chapter 15 - Renal Disease in the Tropics
  • Chapter 16 - Tropical Neurology
  • Chapter 17 - Psychiatry
  • Chapter 18 - Ophthalmology in the Tropics and Subtropics
  • Chapter 19 - Dermatological Problems
  • Chapter 20 - HIV/AIDS and Opportunistic Illnesses
  • Chapter 21 - Sexually Transmitted Infections (Excluding HIV)
  • Chapter 22 - Musculoskeletal Diseases

Section 4 - Related Specialities in the Tropics

  • Chapter 23 - Paediatrics in the Tropics
  • Chapter 24 - Surgery in the Tropics
  • Chapter 25 - Obstetrics in the Tropics
  • Chapter 26 - Trends in Radiology and Imaging Services in the Tropics
  • Chapter 27 - Tropical Oral Health
  • Chapter 28 - Travel Health

Section 5 - Environmental/Genetic Disorders

  • Chapter 29 - Heat Stress and Associated Disorders
  • Chapter 30 - Nutrition-associated Disease
  • Chapter 31 - Venomous and Poisonous Animals
  • Chapter 32 - Plant Poisons
  • Chapter 33 - Podoconiosis (Non-infectious Geochemical Elephantiasis)
  • Chapter 34 - Familial Mediterranean Fever (Recurrent Hereditary Polyserositis)
  • Chapter 35 - Malignant Disease
  • Chapter 36 - Diabetes in the Tropics
  • Chapter 37 - Hypertension in the Tropics
  • Chapter 38 - Ischaemic Heart Disease

Section 6 - Viral Infection

  • Chapter 39 - Viral Hepatitis
  • Chapter 40 - Arbovirus Infections
  • Chapter 41 - Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever
  • Chapter 42 - Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers
  • Chapter 43 - Epstein–Barr Virus and Associated Diseases
  • Chapter 44 - Rabies
  • Chapter 45 - Diarrhoea Caused by Viruses
  • Chapter 46 - Respiratory Viruses
  • Chapter 47 - Cutaneous Viral Diseases
  • Chapter 48 - Virus Infections of the Central Nervous System

Section 7 - Rickettsial Infections

  • Chapter 49 - Rickettsial Infections

Section 8 - Bacterial Infections

  • Chapter 50 - Introduction to Acute Infective Diarrhoea
  • Chapter 51 - Bacterial Enteropathogens
  • Chapter 52 - Salmonella Infections
  • Chapter 53 - Resistant Gut Bacteria
  • Chapter 54 - Pneumococcal Diseases
  • Chapter 55 - Bacterial Meningitis
  • Chapter 56 - Tuberculosis
  • Chapter 57 - Human Disease due to Environmental Mycobacteria and Nocardiae
  • Chapter 58 - Leprosy
  • Chapter 59 - Brucellosis
  • Chapter 60 - Actinomycosis and Whipple Disease
  • Chapter 61 - Bartonellosis, Cat-scratch Disease, Trench Fever, Human Ehrlichiosis
  • Chapter 62 - Tularaemia
  • Chapter 63 - Anthrax
  • Chapter 64 - Tetanus
  • Chapter 65 - Plague
  • Chapter 66 - Melioidosis
  • Chapter 67 - Diphtheria
  • Chapter 68 - Endemic Treponematoses
  • Chapter 69 - Other Spirochaetal Diseases (excluding Treponema spp. and Leptospira spp.)
  • Chapter 70 - Leptospirosis

Section 9 - Mycotic Infections

  • Chapter 71 - Fungal Infections
  • Chapter 72 - Pneumocystis jiroveci Infection

Section 10 - Protozoan Infections

  • Chapter 73 - Malaria
  • Chapter 74 - Babesiosis
  • Chapter 75 - Human African Trypanosomiasis
  • Chapter 76 - American Trypanosomiasis (Chagas' Disease)
  • Chapter 77 - Leishmaniasis
  • Chapter 78 - Toxoplasmosis
  • Chapter 79 - Intestinal Protozoa
  • Chapter 80 - Potentially Pathogenic Free-living Amoebae
  • Chapter 81 - Trichomonal Infection

Section 11 - Helminthic Infections

  • Chapter 82 - Schistosomiasis
  • Chapter 83 - Food-borne Trematodes
  • Chapter 84 - Filariases
  • Chapter 85 - Soil-transmitted Helminths (Geohelminths)
  • Chapter 86 - Echinococcosis/Hydatidosis
  • Chapter 87 - Other Cestode Infections: Intestinal Cestodes, Cysticercosis, Other Larval Cestode Infections

Section 12 - Ectoparasites

  • Chapter 88 - Ectoparasites: Leeches and Leech Infestation, Myiasis, Jigger Fleas, Scabies, Louse Infestation
  • Chapter 89 - Arthropod Dermatoses, Stings, Bites, Allergies and Neuroses

  • Appendix I: Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis
  • Appendix II: Parasitic Protozoa
  • Appendix III: Medical Helminthology
  • Appendix IV: Medical Acarology and Entomology
  • Appendix V: Sources of Information in Tropical Medicine

Product Details 
  • Hardcover: 1800 pages
  • Publisher: Saunders Ltd.; 22nd edition (December 10, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1416044701
  • ISBN-13: 978-1416044703
List Price: $299.00 

Medical Lecture Note Copyright © 2011