Orell & Sterrett's Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology 5th Edition (Expert Consult Series)

When we began work on the first edition of this book in 1983, our plan was to put together a practical handbook focusing mainly on the kind of lesions and conditions that a hospital pathologist was likely to face in routine practice. We wanted to provide short checklists and carefully selected illustrations, which would be useful in the diagnostic work at the microscope, in the compact format of a handbook. Hence the title Manual and Atlas of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology.

The second and third editions were the result of an irresistible incentive to cover an increasing number of pathological entities including less common conditions, to try to illustrate the variability of patterns seen in some entities and to reflect the extraordinary proliferation of the literature on fine needle aspiration cytology. In the fourth edition we sought to illustrate the cytological features of most entities as seen both in air-dried MGG-stained and in alcohol-fixed Pap-stained smears in parallel, and to include the main immunocytochemical findings in the lists of cytological diagnostic criteria. All this inevitably led to an expansion of text, illustrations and references, and thus the format of the book departed, to a degree, from the original concept.

The text of all chapters has been updated for the current edition. Many illustrations have been exchanged or improved, and some new photos have been added. In this process, every effort was made to avoid a major increase in the overall volume of both text and pictures. Several new co-authors have joined the team and have made invaluable contributions. Dr Steve Chryssidis has revised and updated Chapter 3, Dr John Miliauskas Chapter 5, Dr Gita Jayaram Chapter 6, Drs Joan Cangiarella and Aylin Simsin Chapter 7, Drs Amanda Segal and Felicity Frost Chapters 8 and 9Chapter 8 Chapter 9, Dr Bastiaan de Boer Chapters 10 and 11Chapter 10 Chapter 11, Dr Miguel Perez-Guillermo Chapter 13, Dr Henryk Domanski Chapters 14, 15 and 16Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 and Drs Reda Saad and Harsharan Singh Chapter 17. A new chapter specifically on the cytological findings in infectious diseases has been added by Dr Andrew Field. As a result, the book has taken on the format of a textbook on Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology. Some readers may regret the departure from the convenient compact handbook format, but we hope that the changes have resulted in worthwhile increased coverage and usefulness.
- The Authors -

Key Features
  • Provides practical tips and advice on how to avoid pitfalls and ensure accurate diagnoses.
  • Over 1,200 colour illustrations capture each entity's cellular, morphological and immunohistochemical appearance.
  • Chapters have been up-dated and revised and a brand new one on cytological findings in infectious diseases added.
  • Both MGG and Pap smears illustrated in parallel as well as the corresponding histology to help provide side-by-side analysis.

Website Features
  • Consult the book from any computer at home, in your office, or at any practice location.
  • Instantly locate the answers to your clinical questions via a simple search query.
  • Quickly find out more about any bibliographical citation by linking to its MEDLINE abstract.

CHAPTER 1 - Introduction
  • Historical perspective
  • FNAC as a tool in clinical investigation
  • Advantages and limitations
  • The practice of FNAC
  • Nomenclature
  • The aims of the book
  • The challenge ahead
  • References

CHAPTER 2 - The techniques of FNA cytology
  • Basic techniques
    • Preparation for biopsy
    • The biopsy procedure
    • Processing the sample
    • Fixation and staining
    • Other investigations
    • Standardized/simplified approaches to FNB for radiologists
  • Miscellaneous techniques
    • Liquid-based cytology
    • Image analysis
    • Flow cytometry
    • Molecular cytopathology
    • Future prospects
  • References

CHAPTER 3 - Imaging methods for guidance of aspiration cytology
  • Fluoroscopy
  • Ultrasound
  • CT scanning
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Breast biopsy and carbon marking for localization of clinically occult lesions
  • Use of guide needles
  • Risks and complications
  • Pitfalls in aspiration biopsy technique

CHAPTER 4 - Head and neck; salivary glands
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings

CHAPTER 5 - Lymph nodes
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings

CHAPTER 6 - Thyroid
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological features

CHAPTER 7 - Breast
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings

CHAPTER 8 - Lung, chest wall and pleura
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings
  • Adenoid cystic carcinoma
  • Chest wall and pleura

CHAPTER 9 - Mediastinum
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings

CHAPTER 10 - Liver and spleen
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings

CHAPTER 11 - Pancreas, biliary tract and intra-abdominal organs
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings
  • Cysts
  • Pseudocyst
  • Serous cystadenoma (microcystic/glycogen-rich adenoma)
  • Solid-psedopapillary neoplasm
  • Adenocarcinoma
  • Mucinous tumors of the pancreas
  • Intraductal papillary mucinous and mucinous cystic neoplasms
  • Other variants of pancreatic cancer
  • Islet cell tumours
  • Pancreatoblastoma
  • Intra-abdominal tumors

CHAPTER 12 - Kidney, adrenal and retroperitoneum proper 
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings

CHAPTER 13 - Male and female genital tract
  • Male genital tract, prostate and testis
  • Female genital tract
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings

CHAPTER 14 - Skin and subcutis 
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings

CHAPTER 15 - Soft tissues
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings

CHAPTER 16 - Bone
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings

CHAPTER 17 - Paediatric tumors
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings

CHAPTER 18 - Infectious diseases
  • Clinical aspects
  • Cytological findings

About the Authors
  • Svante R Orell, ML(Stockholm) FRCPA FIAC, Consultant Pathologist, Clinpath Laboratories, Kent Town, South Australia; Formerly Director of Cytology and Associate Professor of Pathology, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders University of South Australia, Australia.
  • Gregory F Sterrett, MBBS FRCPA FIAC, Pathologist, PathWest Laboratory Medicine; Clinical Professor, School of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Western Australia QE II Medical Centre, Nedlands, Perth, Western Australia.

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 512 pages
  • Publisher: Churchill Livingstone; 5 edition (September 29, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0702031518
  • ISBN-13: 978-0702031519

List Price: $329.95 

Medical Lecture Note Copyright © 2011