Real Nursing Skills 2.0: Skills for Pediatric Nursing 2nd Edition

Prentice Hall's Real Nursing Skills series offers students the complete foundation for competency in performing clinical nursing skills. The volumes in this series consist of DVD-ROMs with comprehensive procedures and rationales demonstrated in hundreds of realistic video clips, animations, illustrations, and photographs. For each skill, students will review:
  • Purpose 
  • Equipment 
  • Preparation 
  • Procedure 
  • Post-Procedure 
  • Expected Outcomes 
  • Documentation 
  • and Variation (if applicable). 
This is the only skills series designed to help students visualize how to perform clinical nursing skills and understanding the concepts and rationales for each skill. Throughout the videos, students will experience the real-life aspects of: therapeutic communication between the nurse and the client, the client's reaction to invasive skills, and cultural, gender, and age diversity among nurses and clients.

Key Features
  • Nearly 75 pediatric nursing skills—Skills sets include pediatric assessment, positioning & restraint, nasogastric and orogatric tube interventions, and more! 
    • Demonstrates difficult-to-visualize skills.
    • Users hear first-hand the importance of therapeutic communication to aid in the patient's comfort during the skill.
    • Users watch a real person's reactions to uncomfortable skills, such as the child's tears and gag reflex during the insertion of a nasogastric tube
    • Users experiencing the daily challenges nurses face in real clinical settings.
    • Endorsed by INACSL—The Board of the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulations and Learning has been involved in focus groups and reviewing the videos of these skills throughout the development of this series. INACSL is an exclusive trademark of INASCL. Use of this mark by Pearson Education, Inc. represents INACSL's endorsement of Pearson Education, Inc.'s products on which they appear, but in no way implies any affiliation between the two companies.
    • Most Learning Resource/Skills Lab Coordinators in schools of nursing are members of this association and may be familiar with this product as it was presented at their conference in June 2004.
  • Detailed content—For every skill provides eight segments for complete coverage, including...
    • Purpose describes the goal of the skill.
    • Equipment details the materials necessary to properly perform the skill.
    • Preparation covers everything a nurse needs to be thinking about and preparing to perform the skill correctly.
    • Procedure showcases a video clip for every skill in the series providing an in-depth, visual demonstration of the procedure from beginning to end.
    • Post Procedure details additional steps to perform to avoid common pitfalls, such as properly disposing of used equipment, and also provides additional visuals and animations to reinforce concepts in the skill presentations.
    • Expected Outcomes explain what the patient and what the nurse should experience as a result of the skill performance.
    • Documentation outlines what the nurse needs to record.
    • Variations for several skills offer additional videos of alternative techniques for procedures when applicable, such as different techniques for measuring body temperature for an infant and child. 
  • Rationales—Incorporating rationales for each activity helps users understand why activities are performed for a particular step within each skill.
  • Comprehensive audio glossary—Linked directly from any screen on the DVD-ROMs and includes over 300 terms each with a definition and an audio clip of the pronunciation.
    • Helps the user master medical terminology used throughout the DVDs. 

New To This Edition
  • Delegation - added for every skill
  • Unexpected Outcomes - added for every skill
  • References and Resources
  • Skill Checklists - Printable checklists for easy portability
  • Video Transcripts - for every skill
  • Ability to enlarge video screen
  • Search capability - searching by key words allow users to look up skills quickly.

Table of Contents
GROUPING ONE: Assessment
  • Pediatric Assessment and Considerations
  • Vital Signs and Measurements for an Infant
  • Vital Signs and Measurements for a Child
  • Variation: Thermometer reading in an infant
  • Variation: Oral Route temperature in a child
  • Variation: Axillary Route temperature in a child
  • Placement of Electrodes for a 12 lead Electrocardiogram
  • Using the Glasgow Coma Scale
  • Providing Cast Care and Neurovascular Assessment
  • Using a Snellen E or Picture Chart
  • Hearing Acuity Screening:
  • Tympanometry & Pure Tone Audiometry
  • Selected Pediatric Pain Scales
GROUPING TWO: Positioning and Restraint
  • Positioning/Preparation of a Child for Intravenous Access/Injection
  • Positioning a Child for Lumbar Puncture
  • Positioning for an Otoscopic Examination: Child and Infant
  • Applying Elbow Restraints to a child
  • Applying a Mummy Restraint on a child
  • Variation: Applying a Papoose Restraint
GROUPING THREE: Specimen Collection
  • Blood Cultures
  • Blood Glucose Meter
  • Performing Venipuncture & Accessing a Peripheral Vein
  • Collecting a Catheter Specimen
  • Obtaining a Sample for Wound Culture/Wound Irrigation
  • Obtaining a Sample for Throat Culture
  • Collecting Respiratory Secretions from a Child
  • Collecting Respiratory Secretions from an Intubated patient
GROUPING FOUR: Medication Administration
  • Administering an Intramuscular Injection
  • Administering a Subcutaneous Injection
  • Ear Irrigation
  • Eye Irrigation
  • Administering an Opthalmic Medication
  • Administering an Otic Medication
  • Administering a Nasal Medication
  • Administering an Oral Medication
  • Administer Nebulizer Aerosol therapy
  • Using a Metered Dose Inhaler
  • Metered Dose Inhaler 
  • Variation: Diskus
  • Topical Medication: Burn Wound Care
  • Administering a Rectal Medication
GROUPING FIVE: Parenteral Medication Administration
  • Starting an Intravenous Infusion
  • Administering an Intravenous Push Medication
  • Infusing Medication: Saline Lock
  • Administering an Intravenous Medication: Burritrol with an infant
  • Administering Blood or Blood Products
  • Administering Client-Controlled Analgesia (PCA) Pumps
  • Accessing a Central Venous Catheter Site
  • Implanted Ports
  • Conscious Sedation Monitoring
GROUPING SIX: Nasogastric and Orogastric Tube Interventions
  • Inserting an Orogastric Tube
  • Administering a Gavage/Tube feeding
  • Inserting and Removing a Nasogastric Tube
GROUPING SEVEN: Urinary Elimination Interventions
  • Intake and Output Measurement for Infants
  • Applying a Urine Collection Bag
  • Performing a Urinary Catheterization
GROUPING EIGHT: Cardio/Respiratory Interventions
  • Oxygen Delivery Systems: Blow-by
  • Oxygen Delivery Systems: Nasal Cannula
  • Oxygen Delivery Systems: Face Mask
  • Pulse Oximetry
  • Variation: Portable Pulse oximeter
  • Using a Cardiorespiratory Monitor
  • Using a Peak Expiratory Flow Meter
  • Using the Incentive Spirometer
  • Oropharyngeal Airway Insertion
  • Assisting Nasopharyngeal Airway Insertion
  • Tracheostomy General Guidelines and Care
  • Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation
  • Removing a Foreign Body Airway Obstruction:
  • Concious Child and Unconscious Child between ages 1 and 8
  • Performing Chest Physiotherapy/Postural Drainage
GROUPING NINE: Airway Clearance Interventions
  • Tracheostomy Suctioning
  • Endotracheal Tube Suctioning
  • Nasal/Oral Suctioning
  • Using a bulb syringe
  • Using a Yankauer (tonsil tip catheter)
  • Suctioning a Conscious (Awake and Alert) Child
  • Suctioning a Child with Decreased Level of Consciousness
  • Changing the Dressing for an Infant with an Ostomy
  • Changing an Ostomy Pouch for an Infant or Child
  • Changing Central Venous Catheter Site Dressing 

Product Details

  • DVD
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0137009461
  • ISBN-13: 978-0137009466
  • Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 7.9 x 0.4 inches
List price: $64.00 

Medical Lecture Note Copyright © 2011