Teaching in Nursing, 4th Edition is the only nursing text to address all three components of all three components of education Ñ teaching, curriculum, and evaluation,teaching -- teaching, curriculum, and evaluation. Comprehensive guidelines help you meet the day-to-day challenges of teaching, including curriculum development, the diversity of student learning styles, and developing and using classroom tests. This edition has been updated to includewith information on the latest trends in education including includes new information on using the use of simulations to facilitate learning, the latest on competency-based and concept- focused curricula, developing learner-centered courses, and more.and updates on distance learning through webinars and video conferencing. Edited by expert nursing educators Diane M. Billings and Judith A. Halstead, Teaching in Nursing is a past winner of the AJN Book of the Year award, and is an excellent resource for nurses preparing to take the Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) Exam.
Key Features
- The only nursing resource to cover teaching, curriculum, and evaluation of students -- the three essential components of teaching nursing education.
- Contributing authors are nationally recognized scholars in their fields of expertise.
- Models of teaching are used to demonstrate clinical teaching, teaching in interdisciplinary setting, how to evaluate students in the clinical setting, and how to adapt teaching for community-based practice..
- Teaching strategies promote critical thinking and active learning, including evaluation techniques, lesson planning, and constructing examinations..
- Evidence-based teaching boxes explain how to practice and apply evidence-based teaching, with implications for faculty development, administration, and the institution..
- End-of-chapter summaries let you draw conclusions based on the chapter content..
- Open-ended application questions at the end of each chapter are ideal for faculty-guided discussion and online education..
- Up-to-date research looks ahead to the needs of the future.
New to this edition
- Updated Clinical Simulations chapter describes the most up-to-date simulation products and includes new information on using simulations to facilitate learning.
- An emphasis on curriculum includes information on the newest competency-based and concept-focused curricula.
- NEW Developing Learner-Centered Courses chapter presents new information on learner development and socialization..
- A completely revised media chapter provides new information about classroom response systems, using digital media, and handheld devices in the classroom.
- Expanded information on developing and using classroom tests includes specifics on writing effective multiple-choice questions and the importance of item discrimination
- The latest distance learning information describes the positives and negatives of video conferencing, webinars, and the latest approaches to engaging learners at a distance.
- Coverage of online teaching includes examples of how to design a course using Web 2.0 tools.
- NEW Accreditation of Nursing Programs chapter provides an overview of how a program attains accreditation status, and explains the importance of having an accredited nursing program.
- 1. Teaching in Nursing: The Faculty Role
- 2. The Diverse Learning Needs of Students
- 3. The Academic Performance of Students: Legal and Ethical Issues
- 4. Teaching Students with Disabilities
- 5. Curriculum Development: An Overview
- 6. Forces and Issues Influencing Curriculum Development
- 7. Philosophical Foundations of the Curriculum
- 8. Curriculum Designs
- 9. Developing Curriculum: Frameworks, Outcomes, and Competencies
- 10. Developing Learner-Centered Courses NEW!
- 11. Selecting Learning Experiences to Achieve Curriculum Outcomes
- 12. Service Learning: Developing Values, Cultural Competence, and Social Responsibilities
- 13. From Teaching to Learning: Theoretical Foundations
- 14. Managing Student Incivility and Misconduct in the Learning Environment
- 15. Strategies to Promote Critical Thinking and Active Learning
- 16. Improving Teaching and Learning: Classroom Assessment Techniques
- 17. Multicultural Education in Nursing
- 18. Teaching in the Clinical Setting
- 19. The Learning Resource Center
- 20. Clinical Simulations: An Experiential, Student-Centered Pedagogical Approach
- 21. Creating Interactive Learning Environments Using Media and Digital Media
- 22. Teaching and Learning at a Distance
- 23. Teaching and Learning in Online Learning Communities
- 24. The Evaluation Process: An Overview
- 25. Strategies for Assessing/Evaluating Learning
- 26. Developing and Using Classroom Tests
- 27. Clinical Performance Evaluation
- 28. Educational Program Evaluation
- 29. Accreditation of Nursing Programs NEW!
About the Authors
- Diane M. Billings, EdD, RN, FAAN, Chancellor's Professor Emeritus, Indiana University School of Nursing, Indianapolis, IN.
- Judith A. Halstead, DNS, RN, ANEF, Professor and Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Indiana University School of Nursing, Indianapolis, IN.
Product Details
- Paperback: 592 pages
- Publisher: Saunders; 4 edition (December 20, 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1455705519
- ISBN-13: 978-1455705511
List Price: $86.95