This, the first edition of the text Feline Orthopedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Disease is a work long overdue. The nuances of feline anatomy, physiology, and behavior in conjunction with the cat’s unique responses to disease, surgery, and medications deserve special attention. The aforementioned distinctive characteristics create special challenges when designing and implementing adequate and effective anesthesia and analgesia protocols for cats. Compared to dogs, for example, cats are more easily stressed, oftentimes difficult to restrain, even for minor medical procedures (intravenous catheter placement), harder to intubate orotracheally, easily overdosed or over anesthetized, and more frequently found to be hypotensive and hypothermic. Their size and temperament alone predispose them to accidental drug-related side-effects.
Feline Orthopedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Disease is the first book dedicated specifically to treating cats with disorders in this specific area. The practice of feline orthopedic surgery and traumatology has developed to a great extent over the last ten years as cat ownership is increasing and this textbook discusses new veterinary diagnostic procedures and surgical techniques that have been developed that veterinarians, residents and students working in the field of internal medicine need to know about.
This new addition to the veterinary literature should be exceedingly helpful to all clinicians finding themselves with a traumatized cat on their examination table.
Key Features
- Covers the basics of feline anesthesia, analgesia, preoperative and postoperative care of the patient, orthopedic instrumentation and implants
- Contains detailed sections on investigation and diagnosis of feline orthopedic diseases and injuries, with specific chapters on diseases of the footpads and nails, tumors of the musculoskeletal system, and polytrauma
- Surgical techniques of feline orthopedic diseases and injuries are explained step-by-step with many schematic illustrations
- Presents both classical treatments using cost-effective implants and new osteosynthesis techniques using modern implants
- Over 20 new and original surgical methods are included
- Clinical Approach to the Orthopedic Patient
- Musculoskeletal Diseases
- Polytrauma
- Introduction to Musculoskeletal Injuries
- The Surgical Patient
- Orthopedic Materials, Instruments, Implants and Techniques
- Treatment of Selected Surgical Diseases and Injuries
Product Details
- Hardcover: 582 pages
- Publisher: Saunders Ltd.; 1 edition (July 14, 2009)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0702029866
- ISBN-13: 978-0702029868
- Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.9 x 1.3 inches
List Price: $149.00