Tank: Grant's Dissector 14th Edition

Grant's Dissector was originally designed as an instruction manual for dissection by the regional approach. The 14th edition continues this tradition. It has been rewritten to make the dissection instructions more concise and more appropriate to today's gross anatomy curriculum. The student is encouraged to rely upon Grant's Dissector for dissection instructions and to use a textbook such as Clinically Oriented Anatomy and a quality atlas such as Grant's Atlas to provide anatomical details.

Changes to Dissection Order
In addition to refining the dissector's content and adding new figures to each chapter, the order of dissection has been modified in the 14th edition:
  • Dissection of the pectoral region has been moved from the thorax chapter to the upper limb chapter.
  • Dissection of the testis has been moved from the abdomen chapter to the pelvis and perineum chapter.
  • The head and neck chapter has been reorganized so that neck dissections will be completed before proceeding to the head dissections.

These changes were made in response to user requests. They will make the dissector more usable in traditional dissection courses as well as in dissection courses that accompany a systems-oriented curriculum.

Other Key Features
Each chapter in the 14th edition is consistently organized. Each chapter begins with a brief study of surface anatomy. Then, osteology is presented in a concise way to provide the student with important foundation structures that will aid in localization of soft tissue structures. Each dissection unit begins with a section called Dissection Overview. This section is a thumbnail sketch of what is to be accomplished during the dissection session. In the section entitled Dissection Instructions, the student is led though the dissection in a logical sequence by use of a series of numbered steps. The numbering sequence allows the student to return quickly to the appropriate place on the page to get the next dissection instruction. Each dissection concludes with a section called Dissection Review. The dissection review is a numbered list of tasks that illustrate the important features of the dissection and encourage the synthesis of information.

Over 40 new illustrations appear in the 14th edition of Grant's Dissector. Many of these new illustrations are replacements for existing illustrations and are intended to clarify the intent of the original drawing. The illustrations included in the 14th edition are not intended to take the place of atlas figures, and the dissection instructions contain references to appropriate illustrations in the four leading anatomical atlases:
  • Grant's Atlas of Anatomy, 12th edition, by Anne Agur and Arthur Dalley
  • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Atlas of Anatomy, 1st ed., by Patrick W. Tank and Thomas R. Gest.
  • Atlas of Human Anatomy, 4th edition, by Frank H. Netter and a team of consulting editors (Jennifer Brueckner, Stephen Carmichael, Thomas Gest, Noelle Granger, John Hansen, and Anil Walji)
  • Anatomy: A Regional Atlas of the Human Body, 5th edition, by Carmine Clemente
  • Color Atlas of Anatomy: A Photographic Study of the Human Body, 6th edition, by Johannes Rohen, Chirhiro Yokochi, and Lutjen-Drecoll
The changes described above are intended to increase the adaptability of Grant's Dissector to a variety of dissection needs. Since the chapters are written to stand alone, the dissection sequence can be modified or regional units may be eliminated with a minimum amount of effort. This flexibility is intended to make Grant's Dissector the obvious choice to support comprehensive dissection in a changing curricular environment.

Product Details

  • Spiral-bound: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Fourteenth edition (March 6, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0781774314
  • ISBN-13: 978-0781774314
  • Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.4 x 0.5 inches
List Price: $54.50 

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